Practice, practice

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(Milly POV)

I'm not looking forward to practice today, we had all agreed to do practice in Hailey's yard, but if I'm honest I'm way to tired. We were all up late dancing in the rain, and an attempt at karaoke gone wrong thanks to me. Yet Jailey hasn't sailed yet. The both of them are so blind.

M- So, how are we gonna go about this? We haven't practiced without mats yet.
H- We'll have to try, and we can have someone out here to make sure everything goes smooth.
M- who? The boys won't want to sit through this.
H- well they're gonna have to.
D- I don't know about forcing them-
S- we can just lure them out somehow and have Bethany lock the doors behind them so they have to!

We all stared at Stacy, concerned that she already knew what she wanted to do.

H- I was thinking more like we just tell them we need them to, and they'd do it.
M- Stacy's plan sounds so much better.
H- Milly!
M- what? I'm only kidding.
D- I'm pretty convinced that if we did as Stacy said we'd end up stuck out here all night.
H- Exactly, well until my parents got home, Bethany would take that as a power move to lock us out and play on Sean's laptop.

We all laughed.

M- and then we'd have to find it, and then I would find Hailey and Jake "hiding" again.

Hailey turned red

H- We were hiding!
M- well yeah, but i dunno how you thought you could hide behind a concrete pole like that.
H- I didn't know what was going on!
M- I wonder what would've happened if I didn't show up~

The back door opened and Zander walked out

Z- what is going on out here? It sounds like a war.
M- Oh nothing, Hailey is just... doing counts.
Z- "Shut up Milly" doesn't sound like numbers.
H- Milly was just constantly talking about the elevator situation earlier and... yeah!
Z- I know you're talking about the mall.
D- busted!
S- (laugh)
Z- why do you still feel like hiding what happened! It was so long ago and we all already know.
H- For one it was embarrassing, and for two Milly doesn't know how to let things go.

Honestly. She's not wrong, but that would've been her first kiss if I hadn't said anything.. or so I think it would've been.

H- anyways, Zander are you free to watch us practice? We don't have mats today.
Z- its better than listening to Jake and Sean playing Uno with Bethany while she's constantly changing the rules on them. I'm gonna get Luke, and we will be right out.
D- Who's winning?
Z- don't know, don't care.
H- Rude!

Zander rolled his eyes and went back inside to get Luke.

S- does anyone else want to know how that game is going down?
M- we are all curious.
H- oh look! The dining room window!

She pointed at the clearly active dining room and started walking over to see the game

The rest of us waited back a few seconds

H- (laughing) okay you guys got to see this.

We ran over to the window just to see the two boys sitting at the table with Bethany wearing princess crowns and playing what was definitely not Uno with Uno cards.

We all broke into a laughing fit which must have caught their attention because Bethany turned around and waved, Jake looked up and spelt SOS with his hands, and Sean looked up like he was pleading for help.

All that made us laugh more. But the second Bethany stood up and started walking towards the Living room, we all stopped laughing. We might end up being kidnapped by Bethany.

I heard the back door open and Zander's voice getting closer.

Z- No Bethy they are busy!

The door sounded like it got slammed shut.

Zander and Luke walked up to us

Z- be grateful, you guys almost had to play "princess Uno" with them. I just saved your lives.
H- oh my god.
L- that game was getting intense too.
S- do we know who's winning?
L- Bethany, she was changing the rules every 2 seconds.
H- (laugh) well we have to get to work out here if we want to get anything done.
D- alright, places girls!

Stacy handed Zander the radio and told him to press play when Hailey said "go" and explained how to work it, I know this because she tends to talk with her hands while she's explaining things.


After what felt like forever Stacy returned and got in her place.

H- everyone ready?

We all gave her the thumbs up.

H- Alright! 5,6,7,8 Go!

Zander started the music (if you need to hear it again, its in chapter 1!)

We went through the routine step by step, but right as Stacy went to put me up in a one man she tripped..

I felt her let go of my feet and I fell, at that point all I could hear was my heart beating, I was terrified, but I knew I had to catch myself.  


Cheer on! |The Music Freaks Cheer AU| (Inspired by Itz_keserie)Where stories live. Discover now