Luke's House

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(Zander POV)

 M- See you guys Tomorrow!

S- Bye!

L- Bye Milly!

Z- do I have to? 

Milly gave me a look

M- Whatever Zander, you know you'll miss me.

-Milly closes car door-

Thank god she had to get out. Miss girl had been talking about her elevator adventures for the last 5 minutes, I am glad to say it was exhausting. 

L- That might be the new record for the longest time she talked about something really random and impulsive she did-

S- No, it just felt longer because we were forced to listen against our wills.

Z- I'm pretty sure it was longer.

- Luke & Sean laugh-

I couldn't stop thinking about what my sister could possibly be doing with that dumb idiot right now, they could be going anywhere. I can prove that statement after I was told that they apparently left in the middle of the night last night. I can't help but think there's something bigger going on there.. and I don't like that one bit.

L- Are you okay honey?

Z- I'm just worried about Hailey, that's all.

S- Dude, I'm sure Jake won't let anything bad happen to her. 

Z- but what if he's the bad thing that happens to her?

L- Zander, she'll be okay. Don't worry.


S- Guys! speaking of them, there they are!

Sean was pointing at a car passing through the intersection, and I saw the side of Hailey's head through the window, it looked like she was wearing the princess crown Bethany forced Jake to keep.

Z- we've got to follow them guys!

S- Do you really not trust them?

L- You've gotta trust Hailey, she's your sister honeybun.

Z- Fine, if you guys insist, but I will be checking to see if she's home in 15 minutes. Infact I'll even set a timer. 

I pulled my phone out and set a timer for 15 minutes, if I haven't heard from anyone saying she's home safe, then I'll be tracking her and that bloody peach head down.

The whole rest of the ride to Luke's was practically silent besides the song on the radio, but yet again the drive was like 30 seconds anyways. 

S- See you guys tomorrow! Don't have too much fun!

L- See you! Thanks for the ride! 

Z- I will be partying all night, don't you worry.

-Luke closes car door-

we waved as Sean drove off, then went into Luke's house. We rarely came here, mostly because Luke's parents were never home, they didn't support him at all. Luckily my family was able to take him in, right from the very start. 

L- well they aren't home, as usual.

Z- When's the last time they were here at the same time as you?

L- A little over a month ago... I ended up on your porch that night because they didn't even want to see me, remember? 

Z- oh yeah.. I don't understand them at all, so messed up. 

L- well apparently I'm a sinner in their eyes. 

Z- Well if I'm a sin then I'm the best sin ever. 

L- that's right dear.

-Zander's alarm goes off-

Z- Hailey isn't home on time...

L- isn't the road going to Jake's street always heavy on traffic?

Z- I guess it is, but I still need to check on her. 

L- Okay!

I went to dial Hailey's number into my phone, texting her "where r u?" "r u home yet??" In which she replied "Stuck n traffic." Luke was right again. 

Z- She's stuck in traffic. 

L- told you so.

Z- I have every right to be worried.

L- I know you do babe, but she's safe with Jake, he won't let anyone hurt her.

Z- yeah, because he spares that job for himself.

L- Zander.

Z- ugh, fine. I don't want to think of him as a good person!

L- we all know. 

- they kiss-

L- wanna watch something? Maybe the puppy channel?

Z- that is literally my therapy, and right now i'm needing some intense therapy. 

L- Is it because of Hailey's traffic situation?

Z- yes, yes it is. 

L- then if I may, to intensify your therapy, we shall cuddle to the puppy show. 

Z- sounds perfect. 

L- Love you

Z- Love you too

-insert puppy show & lander cuddles-

- Zander's phone rings-

Z- Hello?




(sorry it's short, it's all I had time to write-)

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