On fleek

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(BTW I'm changing up my writing style a bit here)
(Milly POV) (Daisy's house)
-knock knock-
Hailey was knocking on the door, as I balanced a cup holder full of pink drinks, which reminds me of how much I've changed in these past few months. A few months ago I wouldn't even think about going to Starbucks and doing cheerleading. But here I am.
H- Is she even here??
M- I dunno, just give he a minute.
H- okay...
M- besides it's not like we have anywhere else to be.
H- true that.
-door opens-
D- oh hi!
D- that's a whole lot of bags...

Daisy looked at the pile of makeup and perfume and ETC bags around us.

M- -laugh-
H- what? It's an emergency!
D- haha very funny.
H- you're literally going on a date with our metaphorical big brother.
D- I guess you're right..
M- is Stacey even here yet?
H- you forgot she lives right next door to Daisy didn't you?
M- she does?
D- yeah she does! In fact she's upstairs heating up all the hair tools
M- doesn't that like burn your hair and damage it?
D- well.. yeah.. unless you're careful.

We all went upstairs to Daisy's room. It was huge. Walk in closet, huge bathroom, and even a double mirror vanity.

M- Jesus Christ did your room jump out of a Barbie movie??
D- is that a good thing or a bad thing?
M- it's huge!
D- well yeah it's the whole floor..
H- What?!
S- my house has 2 rooms on this floor-
D- well we turned one into a closet for me
H- so we won't need this bag of dresses?
D- I don't think so.

And just like that we got to work.

(Sean POV) (Sean's house)

I sighed as I heard the yelling start back up in the kitchen. It's honestly exhausting.


They're here...

I went to get the door, and I rushed the boys to my room quickly and quietly.

S- sorry you guys..
J- it's alright!
L- it's all good!
Z- ...

Well now all of them heard my mother threaten me.

Z- What was that?!
S- I'm gonna go check..

I looked out just to see a paper in front of the door
Sean, we're going to be out for  a day or two calming down in different cities. Don't get into any trouble or there will be consequences.

Well great. No parents for a day, and my goodbye was a slamming door that knocked over a picture frame. I don't even feel like cleaning it up.

S: -sigh-
J- what was it?
S- my parents are gone for a day, and when they slammed the door to leave a picture frame fell.
L- want me to clean up the glass and stuff for you?
S- You don't have to do that man.
L- its the least i can do, you're going on a date. You don't need to be worried about a broken picture frame.
S- i guess You're right, thanks man.
L- no Problem!

Luke left the room and headed out into the small hallway outside my door. Now I'm worried about what Daisy will think if she ever sees the wreck  I have to call home.

J- so, what are you going for?
S- i guess something casual and nice at the same time..
Z- is it alright if i look in the closet?
S- go ahead!

Zander went digging in my closet, and Jake just sat staring at the wall like he usually does.

S- Jake, you good dude?
J- Oh- Huh? Yeah sounds good!
Z- what the-
J- fine.. i was zoned out again.
Z- -snort- oh really i didn't notice.
S- seriously Jake what's up with you zoning all the time.
J- I honestly don't know.
Z- you know thats a type of anxiety attack, right?
J- huh... makes a bit of sense.


Z- How about this?
J- Bingo!

Zander was holding up a pretty nice t-shirt and flannel thing that I found in my dad's old hand me down pile.

S- that's actually perfect! My dad wore that on his first date with my mom.
J- that makes it even better!
Z- alright, then i'm guessing you have something for your pants?
S- yeah! Let me get it.

I turned to my dresser I was standing in front of and opened the drawer

S- here!

I pulled out a pair of jeans, and double checked to see if it had rips, and if it did it was back in the drawer.

J- alright go try it out!
S- alright!

I went down the hall to the bathroom as Luke was coming back.

L- all taken care of!
S- thanks man.
L- no Problem, are they still in your room?
S- -nods-

I went into the bathroom and got changed, but there was something that felt wrong about it.. I didn't want to look like my dad.. but this was the best I could do for Daisy. Maybe without the t-shirt? Or without the flannel? I'll just go check with the boys.

(Back in Sean's room)

S- ok so how do I wear it?
J- to be honest they look best together.
Z- I agree with Jake for once -fake gags-
L- i think it looks great!

Luke wrapped his arm around Zander and they both smiled at me

J- but what do you think of it?
S- i think I look like my dad..
J- in a good or bad way?
S- it feels right and wrong..
L- there's always other options!
S- I'll just wear this.
Z- only if you want to.
S- nah.. its actually pretty cool, besides the fact of what it has to become.
J- I get it man

(Back with the girls) (Daisy POV)
So many options so little time! You just have to be ready on time, just like those due dates for my projects! I have one of those on Friday.. should i be doing that instead? No.. this is my night.

S- alright done with the make up!

I looked in the mirror in-front of me

D- you did amazing Stacey!
S- thanks, it was a lot of work
H- alright no time to waste! Perfume and body spray time!
D- ooh!
H- ok so glitter or no glitter?
D- hmm.. glitter.

Hailey threw half of the bottles she had on the table near her into a drawer

H- fruity or flowery?
D- flowery.

Another group of bottles into the drawer

H- ok...perfume or body spray?
D- perfume.

More bottles into the drawer

H- what kind of flower?!
D- daisy or rose..
H- i like your style.

Hailey grabbed two bottles and a towel from my towel stack. And sprayed them onto opposite corners

H- ok sniff and pick.
D- you know what i think im gonna go with rose.
H- alrighty!

She handed me the bottle of rose perfume and I put it on. I love this scent.

H- alright now that we've girlied you up lets pick shoes!
M- ok.. i'm feeling more and more like Lia and Zoey by the second.
S- but it doesn't count as them because its only for first Date emergencies for us.
D- exactly. We are so much better than them.
H- i never thought i'd hear that from you Daisy-
D- -giggles- i have to have my feisty side!
M- i am a walking feisty side.

We all laughed at that. But for some reason I was still nervous... and definitely excited.

Cheer on! |The Music Freaks Cheer AU| (Inspired by Itz_keserie)Where stories live. Discover now