Karaoke night!

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(Haha at this rate all of my books are gonna have karaoke in them) 

(Zander POV)

 Great, now we're having a big sleepover party, and I guess I'm the only one who doesn't want to do this. Hell, I might just lock them all in the backyard.. Besides Luke, OBVIOUSLY! 

Z- But mum! I need my beauty sleep, and my nightly puppy channel binging session! I'll be EXTRA mad tomorrow if I don't have those things. 

S (Shannon)- Zander! don't be like that, you can still watch your show.. and sleep peacefully. And before you tell me you aren't having any fun, maybe you should look at your makeshift war paint and rethink.


S- I know.. but go run off and have fun!

Z- Fine. 

S- thank you.

I rolled my eyes, which got me a death stare, and mum digging in the flashlight drawer.... Oops. I backed out of there as fast as I could. Looks like I have to deal with a overfilled house for tonight. I went over to the couch and leaned on Luke. 

L- You okay babe?

Z- No. We all have to stay here tonight because Hailey and her "girl squad" decided that it would be fun to have a sleepover. and now Mum decided I have to let all of you stay too.

L- that's not bad news at all!

Z- you say that, but remember my Strict nightly routine??

L- how could I forget?

Z- Just checking.

L- -giggle-

I was turning pink, and I snuggled into Luke.

Z (whisper)- although, this might be equivalent to my puppy shows.

Luke looked at me and kissed my forehead.

J- Uhh.. sorry to interrupt the moment here. But I think you forgot me and Sean are here.

I had those two tuned out already, but apparently Luke didn't.

L- sorry guys! 

S- you're good man!

Jake always interrupts my perfect days.  Especially now that it's obvious my sister has a thing for him. Gross.




(Jake POV)

Well, now that we're stuck here watching these two lovebirds all night... I might as well find something else to do.

J- hey Sean?

S- Hm?

J- wanna go hang out with the girls?

Z- uhhh... absolutely not!

J- Why??

L- seems you don't know the girls' night rule. 

S- oh?

Z- whenever Hailey hosts a girls' night, there are no boys allowed, unless they leave that room. 

J- I think being attacked by a bunch of girls is way more entertaining than watching you two flirt.

L-  ok then.. don't say we didn't warn you.

I made Sean follow me, and we listened through the door. I heard something about a cult? and Ship names we would have to decode. 

J (whisper)- hey! decoding those ship names should keep us busy.

S (whisper)- True-

I held on to the words I heard.. Dean, Milliot, and Dracey.. then there was this unfinished one "Jai-" is what it sounded like... Since the word was unfinished I wouldn't be able to decode it. 

Me and Sean decided to sneak into the guest room and listen for more through the wall.. while decoding the 3 1/2 we had on paper. 

S (whisper)- I think they are all obvious Jake. 

J (whisper)- how so?

S (whisper)- we've heard them all before.

J ( Whisper)- prove it then.

Sean jotted down all of his answers on the paper

Dean- Him and Daisy

Milliot- Milly and Elliot

Dracey- ?

I remembered he hadn't been in the car for that one and I pointed to the pen and he handed it over. I crossed out the question mark and wrote Stacey and Drew. 

S (whisper)- Ohh..

I nodded and pointed to the unfinished word.. which made us both turn to the wall to listen again. 



(Milly POV)

I had a feeling that Hailey thought i was gonna tell everyone about her crush on Jake, so I kept pretending to almost slip to scare her. I knew it was working too.

M- Hailey S- I mean Stop that!

H- What did I do??

I raised my eyebrows at her. 

H (whisper)- Do you want me to tell them or something?? Or do you really want to tell them this bad??

M (whisper)- you can if you want, but I would never do that. I'm just messing around.

H (whisper)- they deserve to know anyway.

Daisy and Stacey were both staring at us confused, and at this rate there was no use in hidinf a secret. 

H- So... guys.

Cheer on! |The Music Freaks Cheer AU| (Inspired by Itz_keserie)Where stories live. Discover now