FOUR: assault rife dude

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Ow. Colours dance in and out of my vision. That's when I realise this situation may be worse than I first thought. I'm a weak, injured girl in the middle of nowhere with two grown ass guys that are armed.

I touch a hand to the back of my head and it comes back sticky. I work the gag out of my mouth as they just stand there, as if unsure what to do with me.

"Bitch." I groan, managing to flop over onto my back.

And, if this weren't enough, the cut in my mouth has reopened, so my warm, salty blood fills up my mouth, hitting the back of my throat and making me splutter and choke. The liquid streams down both sides of my lips, pooling on the ground. And now I can't breathe, it's everywhere, in a slimy coating over my tongue, trickling over the roof of my mouth, matting my hair.

I start to gasp for air, which I can find little of.

Finally, hands pull me upright. The sudden action triggers an explosive burst of stars in my vision, but I draw in a ragged breath of air, and sigh it out. I drink the air like It's my nicotine.

The white haired one is crouched in front of me, one hand propping up my head, and the other patting my back. He's not showing much emotion (what is it with people and emotion around here, are we not allowed to feel anymore?) but his eyes seem kind, so I allow him to help me.

This is so random. I'm in an abandoned clothes shop in Tokyo-not-Tokyo with two guys, and one's holding an assault rifle, not to mention the fact that I'm bleeding out from a chunk I bit out of my own mouth whilst earning a card.

Another deep inhale rattles into me, and as I exhale, I let out a little laugh, which turns into a giggle, which turns into a full blown hysterical episode where I laugh and laugh, blood spewing from my mouth and staining his white hoodie.

He narrows his eyes, but I keep going, my insides aching. Finally, after a confused silence from the two guys where my maniacal wheezing slices through the air, the assault-rifle dude puts the gag back over my mouth from behind.

"That's better." He says a little hesitantly. Good. I've made him unsettled.

I turn to scowl at him, and he blinks slowly.

"What now, Niragi?" The one who's hoodie I just covered in my bodily fluid stands up, raising an eyebrow at the other guy - Niragi - who breaks eye contact with me.

"We need to take her to the beach, obviously." He says, coming around to face me, "she's probably just lost a lot of blood." He then drags me up to standing by one limp arm. Bad idea.

I slump forwards against him as my head flashes hot and cold and I lose feeling in my legs. The gun clatters to the floor as he's forced to keep me standing. My eyes roll back in my head. I'm feeling a little delirious, but it's nice and warm pressed up against his chest.

I blush once I realise how close we are, and I reach up, one of my hands scrunching the fabric of his shirt as I lever myself up.

I can almost hear him smirking at me, and he keeps hold of my right upper arm as he bends over to pick up the gun. Then his gaze scorches over my body, I don't need to see it with my blurry vision, he's practically undressing me with his eyes.

"Oh please. Keep it in your pants," the other one scoffs, coming around to take my other arm.

"Shut up, you're five inches shorter than me." Niragi fires back.

They both stare at each other, probably mouthing stuff so I can't hear it. Annoyance pounds in my head along with the splitting headache. They mentioned something about a beach? Why, is that where they're gonna dump my body?

I don't think, I just rip myself free of them and run as fast as I can. White sparks dance behind my eyes as I leap up onto the checkout counter, and haul myself onto a higher shelf above it. They shouldn't be able to reach me here, plus it's nice and warm with all this fabric... I might just rest my head for a little while.

Lying down, I hear swearing coming from far, far below, as if through a tunnel.

I'm fading in and out of consciousness, waves of sleep trying to pull me under.

"Awh shit, why do I have to climb after her?"

"Because you're the one who scared her off."

"We don't know that. HEY GET THE FUCK OFF MY GUN. I'll go, ok?"

My eyelids flutter open and closed, and a warm hand rolls me over into a warmer pair of arms.

I can't open my eyes anymore.

I let the dark take me.

I'll update soon!

Remember to take care of yourself <3

Two dominant assholes ~ Niragi x fem o/cWhere stories live. Discover now