SEVENTEEN: hiding place

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Y'all are gonna love me for this chapter ;>

Eyes darting around the doors, searching for somewhere, anywhere I could run off to, panic is clouding my mind.

My head whips back to face Niragi, who's still aiming his gun at my face.

"Niragi..." I plead.

He rolls his eyes, then leans further up against me, cutting off any air from getting to my lungs.

"I'll.. kick... you... where the... sun...don't shine," I barely manage to wheeze.

He lets the grip go a little, grinning at his total control over my fate, and I draw in deep lungfuls of air.

The voices are near, almost coming around the corner. A few more seconds.

I grab the collar of Niragi's black and white shirt, scrunching it in my fist to get him to notice my desperation.

"You have to hide me."

"Why should I? You're the one who woke up and chose violence."

"YOU AIMED A GUN AT ME," I whisper-yell.

His smirk grows.

"Niragi. Please." I say, giving up.

I search his eyes for any sign of sympathy, any hope. And, yes! A little flicker in his gaze as he stares right back at me.

There's a little hesitation where our heavy breathing fills up the gaps in speech, then he angrily pulls his gun away, grabs my hand and yanks me along to the opposite door to us.

He opens it and ushers me in; it's a pitch black, tiny janitors cupboard. Then he follows me in and shuts the door behind him, just as the people round the corner to this corridor.

"Uhm, Niragi?" I say sheepishly, practically pressed up against his chest.

"What?" He asks in annoyance.

"I kinda, maybe, sorta dropped the cards," I bite my lip.

"You WHAT?" he whisper-shouts.

"Shhh," I place a hand over his mouth, but he sticks his tongue out, so I retract it, wiping it on his shirt.

"Gross." I say, even though internally I'm wondering how that tongue would feel running along my bare body.


A heat hangs in the air, but I don't dare move. Any closer, and I'd be flat out hugging him. He'd probably slap me again.

The voices get closer, accompanied by three sets of footsteps. I notice one voice. Last Boss. I grimace, I would like to think that he'd never harm me, but I don't want to be on the receiving end of that long sword of his.

I can also hear Hatter talking, but can't quite distinguish who the third is by their monotonous voice.

Niragi shuffles a little, and his shoe thumps against a bucket. He doesn't notice, but continues setting his gun down and shifting his weight to the other leg. I don't think, I just wrap a leg around his to still it, and grab his wrist sharply. Then, I stay still, not daring to breathe.

The footsteps fade away, and relief floods through me and numbs the tension in my limbs. That's when I realise the intimacy of the position I'm in with Niragi.

My cheeks flame up and my joints feel as though they're made of butter as I look up at him, mortified.

He looks back down at me softly, smirking.

"You owe me by the way," he whispers.

My stomach contracts. I should move. But I don't want to move.

Then, Niragi's hand rises up to touch my waist, and I swallow at the tingles running up my spine.

Out of the blue, he's leaning over, and getting closer, and our lips are touching.

I close my eyes deliriously as his firm lips work against mine, and he hugs me closer to him as I melt in his embrace. Soon, he gets impatient and bites my lower lip. I don't put up much of a fight. I've been waiting for this moment for so long. My mouth parts, and his tongue pushes in.

The coolness of his tongue piercing rolling along the roof of my mouth reduces my feverish temperature - probably high enough to induce a stroke - as he hoists me up and my legs wrap around his waist, our hips grinding together.

"Holy fuck, Aika," Niragi breathes between kisses.

I moan slightly into his parted lips, and he responds by cupping my ass, desperately pulling me closer to him. My fingers tangle in his hair, pulling, and one hand goes up his shirt to run along the smooth skin of his bare back.

He makes a low, agonised noise at the base of his throat, running one hand up my side, and stopping at my boob, then rubbing circles over the sensitive skin there. My eyes roll back in my head at the electrical waves of pleasure that roll down my body.

Lips curling up against mine at the whimper that bubbles from my mouth, Niragi breaks the kiss, leaning over to trail his tongue up the length of my neck, then planting kisses up and down the skin there.

Lust fills me as he finds my sweet spot and immediately starts sucking, rolling his piercing over the same spot over and over, driving me crazy.

Then, the moment is shattered. I freeze as the door to the cupboard opens.

Niragi looks up at me, disappointed, then at the door in shock.

"We weren't that loud," I hiss nervously, taking my hand away from the back of Niragi's head, and instead looping both arms back around his neck tightly. He rubs my back reassuringly.

The moment stretches on, until finally the mystery person waddles into view.

"Last boss." I frown.

"AIKA?" he looks at the position me and Niragi are in incredulously.

Niragi just grins, but I untangle myself from him, hopping down to stand on one foot again

"Thought you might want these?" Last boss says when I'm done, whipping out the deck of cards with a flourish.

My eyes widen, "Last boss, you're a literal legend oh my lord."

He does his little Elmo laugh, and my face relaxes into a grateful smile.

I grab the cards, shoving them in my sports bra (no one's gonna look there, right?) and look back at Niragi, who's cheeks are red and hair messed up.

"Laters guys." I smirk, saluting both of them, then darting out the door and limping the rest of the way, knowing I won't be followed since Niragi can't really go anywhere in the... state he's in. Running away from my problems again. I let out a breathy laugh at what just happened.

Both hands on the phone checkpoint!!!

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