chapter 1

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There was word of a haunted home that had been popular, but still couldn't be ridden of the ghosts who lived in it, the McFadden place. Former home of John Thomas McFadden and his wife, Angel and of course, their son, named Casper. It was now haunted by Casper himself, but he was such a nice boy in life and an even nicer ghost as he was now there with his ghoulish uncles. His uncles were mean and cranky, disliking the living, or 'fleshies' as they were most commonly called by the Ghostly Trio. They scared many off who tried to sort out the house for the nasty woman who had inherited the property. The woman heard of a man who helped ghosts pass on. Not even Ray Stantz from the Ghostbusters could get rid of these ghosts. It was up to who they called a ghost shrink, known as Dr. James Harvey who had specialized since after the death of his wife, Amelia. He also happened to be close with Cherry's family.

Lauren was on the phone with the girl she hung out with. "Oh Cherry, Dad says that if your mom and dad say yes, we can pick you up and bring you to Friendship, Maine with us." she tells her.

"Sounds good," Cherry smiled. "Are there really ghosts though?"

"The lady who called my dad said there was, but I gotta see proof first." Lauren grins.

"I always wanted to meet a ghost, I never met anyone who was invisible before." Cherry chuckled.

Lauren's younger sister, Kathleen, or Kat for short, was sort of dreading this trip. It was always tough being the new kid.

Lauren gave a little laugh. "So, go ask your parents before we finish the call." she says.

"Okay... Hang on..." Cherry said before putting the phone down a moment, then went to go to her parents to talk to them about this.

"I hate going to new schools, it's always so awkward being the new one in school." Kat sighed.

Lauren looked at Kat. "I have a good feeling about this one, Kat... You'll see it'll turn out fine." she smiles.

"That's what they all say..." Kat slightly rolled her eyes.

Lauren raised an eyebrow. "When have I ever been wrong, Kat?" She asks.

Kat glanced to her with an amused smile. "Maybe once or twice..."

"Lauren, you there?" Cherry's voice returned to the phone.

"We'll continue this in a short while, Kat Brat," Lauren says, playfully mean. They were quite close and so could easily joke like that. "Yes, Cherry?" She asks then, smiling.

Kat rolled her eyes, but smiled as she went back to finish packing.

"They said yes, but they want to know if you're going to come here for me or if we should meet up somewhere." Cherry explained what she heard from her parents go on this trip.

"Like I said, Dad is gonna pick you up on our way." Lauren smiles.

"Okay, it's a deal then." Cherry smiled in response.

"Okay, so, we'll see you the day after tomorrow..." Lauren grins.

"Sounds great, I hope I don't forget anything on the way, I get paranoid like that." Cherry laughed a little lightly.

"I'm sure you won't." Lauren tells her. She was smiling.

Cherry laughed a little. "Well, I better get going, I'll let you know when I'm all packed before I go to bed."

"Okay, Cher... See you soon and speak later." Lauren smiles.

"Talk to you later then, tell everyone I said hi." Cherry smiled before she hung up.

Cherry Meets CasperWhere stories live. Discover now