Chapter Twenty-Eight

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My phones barking ringtone wakes me up and Gibson's voice cuts through. He's shouting, he's at the party.

"Where are you?" He shouts loudly.

I groan quietly.

"I'm at Arthur and Courtney's apartment." I say before cutting the phone.

I fall back asleep and for a while, everything gets peaceful but then I hear sirens and I know that Donovan's going to be in trouble.

I eventually am awoken to Howlett and a police officer standing over me while Arthur wakes me up.

"Come on. You have to go to the police station." Howlett says and I look at Arthur.

I go to the door, put my phone in my pocket, get my coat and shoes on and then wait for the police officer to take me to the car where they put me, next to Donovan, who's wasted.

I'm realising that we're not in any trouble really if we've been put together but that doesn't make me any happier.

We get there and they try to tire me out by making me wait in the room for 2 hours but I'm not in trouble and there's nothing they can do about it. I'd given Howlett my coat because I knew they liked to heat up the interrogation room, make us sweat a little and the heat made me irritable at the best of times, which was when I hadn't done anything.

An officer walks in, he's not in uniform, probably to make me seem more comfortable, but to me that means he's more important than those with one on, or he's just been on a stakeout.

"Hello. I'm Officer Tuckson." He says and flashes me a smile.

"Officer? Fat chance. I'm going with a detective but you said Tuckson." I reach into my pocket and slowly pull out a piece of paper. "Oh yeah that's you. Sergeant Timothy Tuckson."

"So you've done your research?" He definitely thinks I'm guilty of something.

"No. You see my social worker and my parole officer back home made sure I had intimate knowledge of the force. If I was in trouble, they made sure I knew who to go to. The last place I'd come is here especially because I've done nothing wrong AND because you clearly didn't even research me."

I get up and leave. Hitting the door hard so the guard opens it.

Howlett's waiting outside.

"I said nothing. Not that I did anything but I'm not letting some overzealous man who's trying to prove something by handling me get any minute of my time." I know he has to wait up.

I wait outside the station and wait for Howlett but Donovan comes out instead and I walk away when I notice two suspicious men walking up to us.

I step back but they continue to come towards so I try to walk the other way towards the station but we're cornered. They mean business because there's surveillance everywhere.

"Hello guys, what brings you two youngsters here?" A man, who's older than the rest of his entourage asks us.

"Oh we're here on exchange." Donovan says and I hit him on the chest.

"Look we don't want any trouble." I say.

"Neither do we, so hand over your fucking stuff." The man's face changes so quickly.

"No." I say.

"Oh she wants to play with me!" The man says and he doesn't hesitate to get one of his men on me but it's not Donovan who's protecting me here.

The man come towards me and Donovan tries to step in and fails.

The man comes towards me and I kick him hard in the groin before running towards him and pushing him to the floor before turning to the next guy, well girl, who thinks, looks at their boss before coming for me as well.

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