Chapter Sixty-Five

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We were lying down in Donovan's bed, when a thought comes to mind.

"You haven't seen my room properly, have you?" I ask and he nods.

"It's so embarrassing to think about because I broke into your house." He says and I laugh.

"Come on, we can stay there tonight." We get up and go through the door to go to my room and I show him around.

"There's not much to it to be honest. My desk, my bed, my closet and then my bathroom." I lie down on my bed and sigh happily as I do so. "Oh bed how I've missed you."

"You should've told me you wanted to come to your home sooner if you've missed it." Donovan says as he lies down next to me and I look at him.

"I don't like being here anymore if I'm honest. It's just a house I live in." He puts his arm under me and pulls me closer.

"You do miss it. You would never come here if you didn't. You miss the memories, you miss your family and you miss Jess." He's making sense and I look at him and kiss him.

"You're right." I say and he gets into my bed and we're about to settle for the night when the doorbell rings persistently and both of us get out of bed when we hear Lola.

We run down and open the door and Lola and her girlfriend, Elsie, come in and we close the door.

They have stuff with them and I realise they're prom dresses.

"Sorry we couldn't make it to Donovan's as we were coming from the other side of the road. We were being followed." She says and I take them both to the living room.

Donovan runs down and Lola starts coughing when she sees him.

"Donovan what are you doing here... never mind. You cheeky dog." She says as she laughs and then stops when she thinks about what happened.

"Don't worry, my house is more secure in terms of security features but Donovan's house has more people in it. You'll be fine here." I say as I flip a switch and the system speaks.

"All windows and doors are locked. Shall I shut the blinds?"

"Yes." Every single electric blind shuts in the house.

"House on high alert this evening?"


I sit the girls down and take their stuff and put it in upstairs in a room and then come back down where Donovan is making some food for them.

"You guys can get ready here for prom if you want." I say as I saw they had their dresses.

"Yeah we were taking a taxi to Elsie's and then we got a weird vibe from him so said to drop us early and then we started walking to here and then ran as he still followed us. Shit was crazy, I'm glad we have all our stuff." She kisses Elsie. "If you hadn't insisted we pack everything but our phones in our bags, we might still be out there right now because we dropped stuff."

Donovan and Lola talk away while Elsie and I have a chat and eventually, I take them upstairs to the room they're saying in.

"It's like Dacre's room." Lola says and I nod.

"Yep, it's part of the original house design of this street. I hope you guys are okay, I know this sort of thing can be traumatic and in the morning we can file a police report." I say and she nods.

"I think we'll do that." She says and she lays on the bed and I sit on the chair. "So have you kissed?"

I nod.

"Made out?"

I nod.

"Had sex?"

I shake my head.

"Hmm. He really likes you. I obviously already knew that the minute he made you a target because he didn't have that same vengeful look in his eyes when he planned out your 'acquisition.' I told him breaking into your house was a bad idea." She says as she and I laugh. "You don't have to answer but have you had sex before?"

"Yep. Donovan kinda knew that before I really liked him but I was saying it to annoy him after he made a comment."

"He was always like that before he met you. He had no one to impress. I always knew it would be you that made him open his eyes, there was something intense about you that I knew Donovan would like about you. Has he asked you out yet? Like to date you?"

I shake my head.

"Well, I have a feeling he might do that soon." She says cynically.

"You two were always trouble together but now you're friends again, I don't mind you two being a little bit naughty."

"Well, us two will always be trouble but I don't think you think that's bad."

"You're right. I was trouble as well though, so that might be it." She laughs when I say that.

"I knew it. I told him that you weren't just a pretty face." My watch buzzes and her phone dings. "Courtney's asking in the group chat if she can get ready here."

I send a voice message.

"Yeah sure. You can invite your families as well." I say and Lola gives me a big thumbs up as I leave. "Tell them to get here for 4."

I go back to my bed and Donovan lays there and kisses me when I get on the bed.

"I can't steal all those kisses from you and have nothing to show for it. Wanna be my girlfriend?" He asks and I laugh so hard that it's hard to breathe.

"I didn't realise that when Lola said soon, that she meant within five minutes but yes, I will." I respond and he smiles and even harder when I kiss him.

"She said you might be panicked with any pre warning."

"She'd have been right. Not because I didn't know the answer but because I'd have been flustered. Let's sleep, we've got a lot to do in the morning." I say and he nods and we go to bed.

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