Jaehyo's Struggle

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Taewoon looked up at the face that was at the door. "Yes?" he asked the man with platinum white hair.

The tall young man entered. "Hyung," he said, "Did you hear? Kyung brought a girl home."

"You told me yourself, Jaehyo," Taewoon replied, "Has he sent her back yet?"

"He's taking her on a tour, hyung. Can't you knock some sense into his head?"

Taewoon sighed. "Can't you tell him yourself?" he asked, "I'm writing something important for the new manager. She might be coming anytime, and I have to prepare."

"I know, hyung, but can't you do something about him first? He's being an ass."

"Why don't you get Zico?"

"Because he's being an ass too!"

"I'm always wondering why everyone is an ass to you, Jaehyo."

The younger man groaned, his handsome features contorting into a pout. "Because I'm faultless and the prettiest, and they're all so jealous that they can't help but pick on me. I mean, I didn't ask to be handsome, right? Everyone has a fifty-fifty chance of being born beautiful, and I just happened to get it."

"I still don't know how you can say that with a straight face, Hyo."

"Perks of being me. Now, hyung, back to the matter at hand."

Taewoon glanced at the papers strewn in front of him. He was preparing guides for Hyejeong, essentially a guide to the circus, its attractions, and of course, the staff themselves. He was waiting for her call, again. When would she ever realize how much she made him wait for her?

Well, she probably had to find a way to get her parents to let her work, at the circus, no less. And that was never going to happen, unless she decided to run away or something.

Well, seeing how afraid she was at being out after curfew, the chances of her pulling a disappearing act was close to zero.

He got up and followed Jaehyo, listening to the latter telling on Kyung.

"Minyoung?" Taewoon asked.

"Yeah, he kept mumbling her name in his sleep. I think he thought that the girl was Minyoung or something."

"And was she...is she?"

"Nope. It turns out he brought an entirely different girl. He also may have hit her with the truck. I saw her throw a fit about it."

"He hit her with my truck?" Taewoon practically choked.

"She didn't look hurt," Jaehyo replied nonchalantly, "But she was pretty upset. Not the first time Kyung makes girls want to kill him. Oh, hyung, look!" He pointed in the distance, and true enough, there was two people walking.

The guy was definitely Kyung. He was walking around her, circling her, then walking backwards just so he could face her. Taewoon mentally facepalmed. This kid...he thinks he's so charming. It looked so painful to watch.

When his eyes fell on the girl, he stopped walking. She wore a long dark coat, but it was unbuttoned, showing a pale dress underneath. Her hair was loose on her shoulders, and she was tilting her head as she made a retort at him.

Jaehyo stopped walking too. "What is it, hyung?" he asked, "Let's go give him a piece of your mind!"

"Wait, Hyo," Taewoon said, looking at him, "I want you to get everyone to the big top."

Jaehyo only gave a confused look. "What?"

"Get everyone to go there now. The new manager's here."

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