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Did you guys wait long? Omg I'm so sorry T^T 

Here's the latest update, and lookie, a brand new cover too! It's gonna be a series of covers featuring Hyejeong and (insert male character) so don't be panicked or anything lmaooo I just wanted to have special themes since I want to try out cover making and all. 

Hope y'all love the new chapter. Don't forget to vote!


She couldn't get out of the trailer fast enough.

It suddenly felt awkward all of a sudden. She hadn't realized it earlier, but now that her mind was clear and her senses more aware, she realized that maybe she hadn't realized how difficult it was to pretend that having someone who liked you did not bother you. After Taewoon's confession, she had unconsciously pretended that she didn't have time to talk to him.

Too busy talking to Kyung at meals.

Too busy looking through paperwork for a chat.

Too busy walking around the cirque checking equipment to replace to have a walk.

Too busy, too busy, too busy.

But in reality, she was just nervous he was going to bring the topic up again. And she would get tongue tied with the intense emotions that he elicited in her.

It was dangerous, being around him. His touch could heal her, make euphoria rushing through her veins and igniting her on fire.

But it could also kill her, the way his gaze pulled forth her vulnerability and anxiety, knowing that he knew more about her than everyone else did.

She walked down the steps in thoughtful silence, stepping into the puddles. With every squelch, her mind flitted to the thought of the cirque instead of him.

Only a few days left.

Looking up, Hyejeong paused outside the Big Top in the middle of the circus grounds, watching the residual raindrops roll down the canvas tent. She brought down her umbrella, folding it and placing it outside the tent as she pushed through the flaps.

There was something about entering an enormous but empty tent, she realized. Usually everyone would already be warming up

She was no stranger to its heritage, of course. Once, it was a grand stage that everyone flocked to for a finale before the cirque closed. All the performers gathered to give the audience a chance to watch impossible feats, capturing their hearts and minds.

But come this Monday, she was not going to give them a chance to even breathe. The Cirque de Envoûtement was going to be every inch its former glory and more. A wonder of the old world, open for a few nightly hours to entrance its visitors and make them come back for more.

And everyone here would be the center of it all.

She could feel goosebumps already.

Hyejeong spotted the rain dripping through the holes on the top of the tent, making sure to avoid the seats that were wet as she walked towards the front. From the seats, the Big Top was an amphitheatre and for a brief moment she wondered what it would be like when it was all lighted up, with deafening fanfare of trumpets celebrating the biggest highlight of the night.

If she let her imagination take control, she could see the whole place in its glory through the eyes of a member of the audience. She could imagine a nine-year-old Yulhee walking across the stage, wearing her red plaid dress as she stared at the audience curiously. Little kittens would toddle out of the wings, walking to rub themselves at her legs, meowing loudly for her attention. Yulhee would notice them, taking out her long wand, sending themselves to play pretend sleep, stand, anything, really. The girl was a Pied Piper with the felines, and the fact that a mere girl could command an army of nature's most independent creatures would captivate them.

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