Playing Dress-up

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The teacup was warm as he passed it to her.

"Drink," he commanded, all the playfulness gone from his voice.

She was wiping her face with her hand, sniffling a bit. "It's hot," she mumbled.

Kyung let out a sigh, sinking onto the sofa opposite hers.

She lowered her face even more, refusing to let her face show. "Don't stare at me," she murmured softly.

He ran a hand through his hair. "Well, I'm worried. Of course I have to make sure you're okay," he told her, "Now drink. It's jasmine, good for wallflowers as pretty and quiet such as you."

She didn't reply.

"Oh, come on," he coaxed teasingly, "You know you want to respond."

Gingerly, he reached out, lifting her chin before she could even react.

She jerked her head from his fingers. "Please don't touch me," she whispered.

Kyung leaned back, not wanting to let it dampen his spirits. He was already upset with one person, he wasn't going to be upset anymore. It drained him sometimes.

But he was careful to phrase his next words. "Have you never let a man touch you?" he asked curiously.

She glared at him and he held up his hands.

"What? It's a genuine question!"

She rolled her eyes, and sipped her tea, ignoring him.

Kyung waggled his eyebrows. "Well?"

"Well what?"

"You've never had a boyfriend? Not even once?" he asked again, before he clutched his chest dramatically. "Do you even know what a boyfriend is?"

"Don't be stupid. Of course I know," she protested.

"But you've never had one," he supplied.

A shade of pink dusted her cheeks, confirming the fact.

Kyung let out a smug laugh. "You're an innocent, aren't you?" he teased, "Don't deny it."

"For your information, I was due to be engaged," she huffed.

Kyung raised an eyebrow.

Her eyes met his, and for a moment she realized what she had just blurted out.

He narrowed his eyes, smiling wickedly. "So...was due to be engaged, hmm?"

Hyejeong's heart skipped a beat, and she willed herself to not tear her gaze away from his even as much as she wanted to. "None of your business."

Kyung laughed, raising his hands in surrender. "Oh, come on, Mi-Seol, no need to be so defensive," he pouted, "I just want to make sure I don't hit on a married woman. That would be ungentlemanly for me. And I am a perfect gentlemen, no?"

"Sure, Kyung-ssi."

He crossed his legs. "About that, I want you to call me sajangnim," he announced, "Since I am, after all, your new boss," and he suddenly leaned forward, lowering his voice, "That means you will be under me."

The ends of his lips raised up into a smirk, and once again, that expression made her feel her cheeks become hot again. Something about the way he said it disturbed her greatly, making her think things that a proper lady shouldn't be doing.

It was very, very dubious.

Hyejeong raised her teacup, threatening to spill it over him if he got too close, and he slunk back onto the sofa. "I will if you call me by my rightful name. No informalities, Kyung-sajangnim," she replied sarcastically.

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