Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 Eternal Mark

    Of course, Tang Qing would not be happy about her private affairs being leaked, so she asked the source directly.

    "Who told me?" The old woman put on an appearance of a social boss, and said disdainfully, "I'm the head of District H. If I want to know some gossip, do I need others to tell me?" "You admit it

    really Lisuo..."

    The old woman was not ashamed, but proud: "Your father asked me to take good care of you, so naturally I have to take care of you, you are welcome." Tang Qing asked: "Then you know that Colonel Pole was intentionally

    drugged "Well.


    "Then why do you..."

    The old woman interrupted her with a wave of her hand: "I only promise your father to take care of you, Holden has nothing to do with me, well, it's getting late, I have to go Go upstairs and look at my other flowers in the yard, if you are worried about Holden, go see him yourself."

    Tang Qing always felt that the old woman knew something, but she refused to talk too clearly, even if she wanted to pester him to ask She couldn't ask one, two, three, so she nodded, ready to say goodbye and leave.

    "By the way, Horton took a week's vacation from me before." The old woman called Tang Qing to stop.

    "Ask for leave?"

    "Well, isn't omega's estrus period a week?" The old woman said as a matter of course, "You don't even know this?"

    Tang Qing was puzzled: "Didn't the colonel remove the glands? Why is there still an estrus period?" ?”

    The old woman stopped talking again, and she smiled meaningfully: “It’s true that it’s gone, but he can even get pregnant, isn’t it normal to have estrus now?” “Can you explain in detail?

    ” Is it a little?" Pregnancy has already made people unbelievable, and now even the estrus has come out. If it's not Holden's problem, could it be her problem?     Seeing that she really didn't know anything, the old woman sighed: "Didn't your father tell you anything? Your physique is different from ordinary people."

    Speaking of this, Tang Qing remembered something General Bai once said to her: Your physique is different from ordinary alphas, and your various talents are higher than others. It is probably because of this, I think you can feel it yourself . It's not something to be ashamed of, boy, you should feel lucky to have such a physique, it's just that there are too many bad people in this world, you need to protect yourself, in other words, make yourself look social, you know ? In the end, he emphasized one sentence: I don't want you to be with an omega in the future.     Tang Qing didn't understand why General Bai didn't want her to be with an omega. In fact, she didn't want to find an omega because of her heart.     "He said something."     The old woman: "Oh, since you know your situation, I think you can accept Holden's situation."     "What's the situation?"     "..."     When Tang Qing came out from the old woman, his whole body Are a little confused.     What do you mean... Holden is marked by her forever?     [Eternal mark? ]     [That is to say, he will carry your smell all his life, even if you no longer need him in the future, he will not be accepted by any alpha or even beta. 】    "Tang Qing!"     A familiar and sonorous female voice brought Tang Qing back to reality. Only then did she realize that she had come to the maintenance department at some point.     Heidi waved to her from under a mecha not far away. Standing next to her was a young girl with short brown hair. She was tall and looked a little green. She was wearing a gray uniform of an overhauler.     Probably the deputy brought by Heidi, a female alpha.     Tang Qing walked over, and the girl in uniform gave her a quick military salute: "Sir!"     Tang Qing replied, "You are the overhauler Heidi brought, I remember it's called... Logar, yes ?"

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