Chapter 57

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Chapter 57

    Recently, Perseus has been participating in training in the special training camp, so he hasn't had much contact with his family. I thought he was so busy that he couldn't answer the phone call, but who knew that Elizabeth called him back, and Perseus appeared in front of her and Elizabeth that night.

    "Hey, Hughes, are you finally not busy?" Tang Qing teased.

    "Busy, I have to go back tomorrow." Perseus glared at Elizabeth, who had wandering eyes, and continued, "I'm not as free as you. I only think about love and love all day long.

    " Steady, the tasks assigned to him by his superiors were one after another, and he carried out many secret tasks in the name of training. Thinking of the spy who happened to be caught on the way back from the mission this morning, and thinking of some information dug out of the spy's mouth, he couldn't help but look at Elizabeth.

    "What are you looking at, you are busy with yours, and I will be free." Elizabeth replied weakly, although her mouth was stiff, she felt a little guilty for some reason when she looked at Perseus' eyes full of displeasure.

    whispering sound. Why are you upset, obviously he didn't do anything. It's not like Perseus didn't know that he liked Tang Qing.

    Perseus didn't intend to compete with him, he came back today for other reasons. He became serious and asked Elizabeth to go out to avoid it, saying that he had something to say to Tang Qing. Although Elizabeth was curious, she did not lose her mind at this moment, so she went out.

    "What's the matter?" Seeing that Elizabeth was paid out, Tang Qing knew that Perseus must have something important to say.

    "There is something I have to tell you, because it has something to do with Holden Ball."


    Perseus crossed his arms and didn't say anything immediately, instead of answering the question: "Before I tell you something, I I want to know what's going on between you and Holden Ball? I heard from Elizabeth that you broke up?"

    What does the displeasure in this tone mean? Tang Qing glanced at him, but didn't see anything on his face. After thinking for a while, he said vaguely, "It's not a complete division."

    Perseus didn't say anything, and motioned her to continue explaining with his eyes.

    Tang Qing rubbed her nose embarrassingly, and said cheekily: "Although we are separated now, we will reconcile." "Did

    you dump him or did he dump you?"

    "'s no fun to care about this. "

    It seems that he dumped you."

    "Husband and wife quarreled on the bed, we are almost reconciled, and we are still chatting in the afternoon."

    Seeing her embarrassed look, Perseus felt a little uncomfortable, and said to himself What kind of onion is that Boer, who dares to dump his sister. But seeing that Tang Qing was still persistently trying to excuse Horton, he didn't say any more.

    He glanced at the crack of the door that was opened secretly at some time, and echoed against his will: "Indeed, it's normal for husband and wife to quarrel, and it's time to reconcile after the quarrel. Don't be taken advantage of by someone with a heart. I heard that Zhao Xiu I am very interested in your Colonel, and now he has gone to District H, which happens to be close to the water."

    When Tang Qing heard it, it was not, thinking of Zhao Xiu, her heart suddenly hung up.

    "I know, I asked Haidi to watch over Zhao Xiu for me, and I won't let him do anything out of line." She is no longer called Teacher Zhao Xiu, and she is not polite to her rival in love.

    "That's good." Perseus said casually, and glanced at the door again inadvertently, only to see that the door had been closed.

    "You haven't told me what's going on with the colonel." Tang Qing asked.

    Perseus retracted his eyes, said "um", and told Tang Qing part of what happened to him in the morning.

    It turned out that on the way back from his mission in the morning, he happened to catch a spy who had been on the run. That spy was the club manager who had framed Horton in Area H and drugged him.

    "The manager?!"

    "Well, he has been handed over to the Security Bureau for interrogation. How majestic your Colonel Bohr was back then, how many people he killed on the battlefield, how many people from the Western Universe and New Humans hate him. During the period, you'd better let him be more vigilant."

    Tang Qing nodded solemnly: "I know."

    Perseus said: "I was still wondering how you got involved with people like Holden Boer , Now I understand." If the relationship was forced to happen because of the drug, it's not surprising that Tang Qing, a person with a sense of responsibility, would stay with Holden out of various considerations. She's the kind of nice guy.

    Tang Qing was a little embarrassed: "I don't have that kind of relationship with him..."

    Apart from this matter, Perseus didn't say anything else. Although Tang Qing felt a little strange, thinking that Perseus would not come back just because of this matter, she didn't ask any more questions.

    Judging by his absent-minded expression, it's obvious who he came back for.

    Tang Qing didn't say any more, chatted with him a few words and let him go. After Perseus left, she thought about the matter in her mind, and called Heidi who hadn't contacted for several days, and asked about Holden's situation recently.

    On the roof of the dormitory building -

    "In a bad mood?" A voice came from behind.

    Elizabeth sat on the ground looking at the stars in the sky without speaking.

    "Are you angry with me?" Perseus walked up to him and sat down. "How's your health these days? I heard that you fainted once the day before yesterday. I was on a mission that day and couldn't make it back." Elizabeth still

    ignored He counted the stars silently, his eyes staring straight into the distance, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

    "The spy I caught today, I learned something about your sister Lily from him."

    Elizabeth blinked and turned her head.

    Perseus stared at him for a moment, then suddenly raised his hand to touch his head, the movement was neither light nor heavy, but it was enough to make one freeze. He has never done such an intimate and gentle gesture, and he has never been a gentle person.

    Before Elizabeth had time to be surprised, she withdrew her hand, and the short-lived body temperature seemed to never stay. Looking at his surprised face, the silver-haired man who had never been on the tender route suddenly gave a short smile.

    "I promise you..."

    A gust of wind blew up, raising the hair, and the voice drifted away indistinctly, like an auditory hallucination.

    Elizabeth's pupils shrank instantly, and there was a reflection of Perseus for a moment. The reflection was clear and profound, together with the rare gentle and sad expression on the other person's face, it was directly imprinted in his mind until a long time later, when he forgot everything, in every long and strange night Here, the only thing he can think of is this smile, this face, and... this voice.

    "I won't let you die."

    No one knew how much he wanted to live.

    He loved life, but life did not love him.

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