Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

    Chapter 55: You can still be friends after breaking up

    Ten days have passed, and the repairman competition is going on smoothly. Because this competition is different from other competitions, it is a brain competition, so the process of the competition is also quite quiet.

    The elimination part of the preliminary competition on the virtual screen is over, and the next step is the practice competition that will test your skills.

    Since Tang Qing took the lead in every game from the knockout round and won the first place in the group, although she did not try her best, her total score was still not low, and she ranked third in the overall ranking.

    The two were ahead of her. The first was named Lu Yaxian, and the second was named Chi Lu. They both came from District E, which had the most mixed blood.

    Lu Yaxian was known to Tang Qing from the beginning, a male alpha, two years older than Tang Qing, originally Tang Qing's direct senior, and both of them were proud disciples of Zhao Xiu's subordinates. It's just that Lu Yaxian is narrow-minded, and has never been used to Tang Qing, a school girl who suddenly appeared and occupied all of Zhao Xiu's preferences. Talking about Tang Qing's gossip in traces once put her in a state of being isolated by the students around her.

    However, although this person is narrow-minded, he is actually not really bad, the worst is nothing more than this, and he has never done anything out of the ordinary except for making people feel uncomfortable.

    His talent for inspection is extremely high, and Zhao Xiu privately commented that "if he is not narrow-minded, he must have great achievements". Therefore, Tang Qing was not surprised that he had achieved such a result.

    What surprised her was another male omega named "Chi Lu".

    "Please advance the contestants to enter the arena one by one." An order sounded from above.

    After the knockout round, only 30 outstanding contestants from each district were left for the second round of competition, and entered the arena in order according to the order of the electronic voice.

    "First place, please come in first, Lu Ya, District E."

    Lu Ya, wearing a large military uniform of District E, entered the venue from one corner with his head held high, his eyes straight ahead, without even looking at the people around him, and walked straight to the venue. The mechanical table in the center of the first row.

    There are three tables in a row, a total of ten rows. The equipment and parts of each table are of the same specification, and there is no serial number. The players choose their positions freely after entering the arena according to their ranking order. Lu Ya chose the center of the first row first, and she was really confident. After he stood still, he casually glanced at Tang Qing who was waiting to be called out, and the corner of his mouth ticked off contemptuously and mockingly, his show off was self-evident.

    Tang Qing: "..." This person really hasn't changed at all.

    "Second place, please come in, Chi Lu, District E."

    When he read the second place, Tang Qing also looked up. She had actually seen it roughly once in the game before, but she didn't look at it carefully.

    I didn't want to see it, so I was stunned by it.

    I saw the man in the straight black and blue military uniform slowly pacing out of the queue, his steps were not as firm and consistent as other soldiers, and he was a little lazy, not like a serious soldier in the army . He looks like an omega, gentle and fair, taller than ordinary omega, but not like Holden, who looks like a high-spirited literati.

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