ii. breaking the truth !

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breaking the truth

Delilah had her arms crossed the entire time during the tour to hide her hands. She didn't care about the tour considering Annabeth had dragged her along without asking her. Everytime she would try to get Delilah to talk about camp she would barely speak a sentence. If she wasn't so angry with Annabeth she would have been more welcoming; but considering she waited an entire 24 hours until she told Delilah about Percy's disappearance, she wasn't in the mood to give a new half-blood a tour.

Her father had insisted Delilah saw him during the holidays so she spent Christmas in Korea. But a week into her trip Annabeth had given her a call in the middle of the night where she panically explained everything to Delilah about how Percy had been gone for a little over 24 hours. Delilah wasn't hesitant to write on a sticky note 'Going to New York, hope you like my present! - Miyoung' and booked the earliest plane to New York.

Delilah had resisted the urge to slap Annabeth for waiting so long though the resentment was clear as her lip gloss. For being on several adventures together, Annabeth sure didn't mind hiding things when it came to Delilah's cousin. Now as she followed Annabeth and Piper along the tour, she glared daggers at Annabeth's curly hair everytime she attempted to make Delilah talk. It was worse that she was tempted to ask where Annabeth's golden earrings were from, which accented her mahogany skin beautifully.

Not to mention she was still shaken up from the lake. The last time she had been in a body of water was when she fell right in the Hudson River and nearly drowned. So her views on water wasn't the best at the moment, even with Percy's disappearance.

Annabeth talked about all this amazing stuff the camp offered —magic archery, pegasus riding, the lava wall, fighting monsters —but she showed no excitement, as if her mind were elsewhere. She pointed out the open-air dining pavilion that overlooked Long Island South. Annabeth explained how Camp Half-Blood was mostly a summer camp, but some kids stayed here year-round, and they'd added so many campers it was always crowded now, even in winter.

As they climbed a hill at the edge of camp, Piper turned and she witnessed the amazing view of the valley—a big stretch of woods to the northwest, a beautiful beach, the creek, the canoe lake, lush green fields, and the whole layout of the cabins—a bizarre assortment of buildings arranged like a Greek omega, Ω, with a loop of cabins around a central green, and two wings sticking out the bottom on either side. Delilah always counted twenty cabins in all. One glowed golden, another silver. One had grass on the roof. Another was bright red with barbed wire trenches. One cabin was black with fiery green torches out front. She had the urge to run down the hill to her own cabin and hide from Annabeth and everyone else until the campfire.

"The valley is protected from mortal eyes," Annabeth said. "As you can see, the weather is controlled, too. Each cabin represents a Greek god—a place for that god's children to live."

She looked at Piper like she was trying to judge how Piper was handling the news. Delilah focused on the dandelions she had picked from the ground and carefully picked each of the flurries.

"You're saying Mom was a goddess."

Annabeth nodded. "You're taking this awfully calmly."

Piper took a shaky breath. "I guess after this morning, it's a little easier to believe. So who's my mom?"

"We should know soon," Annabeth said. "You're what —fifteen? Gods are supposed to claim you when you're thirteen."

"That was the deal, at least," Delilah said her first few words in a while.

𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐄 - j. grace, ocxoc ¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now