ix. so unaware !

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so unaware

Kaori was confused, to say the least. Most guys wouldn't give a girl they barely knew the blanket that was keeping them warm. Yet she appreciated the generous offer.

When Kaori woke up, she still had Jason on her mind. She had folded the blanket into her backpack neatly and prepared everything she needed for the quest. Her mind was wondering what had gotten into her. After all, she swore to never go on another quest again.

"This is a mistake," Kaen complained as he brushed his hair slightly over his eyes. "We don't even know who this guy is!"

"And yet we're mentioned in the prophecy, you don't see twins running around here other than us, do you?" Kaori raised an eyebrow. She had requested contractible arrows from the Apollo cabin for her to supply on, making sure that she wouldn't run out. The last time she ran out . . . it wasn't a pretty time for her.

"Besides," Kaori continued. "Delilah is coming. Which means we have someone who knows the way we think. It's better this way."

Katie Gardner, one of their siblings close to their age, walked to them with a smile and holding a large bag of what looked like snacks, "A good luck charm from all of us! Remember to be safe, you two."

"We will," Kaen smiled at Katie and put the bag into his own backpack, which was much emptier than Kaori's. "Thanks, Katie."

Kaori wrapped her arms around Katie, which her sister gladly did the same. Although they weren't close, she appreciated Katie very much and was glad to have her be the one to watch over their cabin while Kaen and Kaori were away.

With Kaen's backpack and Kaori's messenger all set, the twins began to get themselves ready. Kaori brushed her dark hair, her waves finally getting untangled. She was dressed in a green off-the-shoulder top with flowy sleeves, faded designs of flowers all over. She had on bell bottom jeans that made her resemble a hippie, with purple flowers and vines decorating up the bells. She had put on her green Converse on, dirty from the amounts of time she wore them gardening.

Sitting on her bed, Kaori sharpened a few arrows with a knife, placing them in her quiver. Her siblings nervously eyed her, knowing it was dangerous to interrupt her while she was sharpening her weapon. She waited for Kaen to exit the bathroom so they could make their way for breakfast together.

"Kaen!" Kaori shouted in the direction of the bathroom. "Hurry up! Why do you take so—"

Kaori was quickly interrupted by screaming coming from the outside of their cabin. She grabbed her bow and quiver, slinging them over her shoulders and dashing outside. Kaen seemed to have heard the commotion and ran out the bathroom. He quickly grabbed his dagger and followed his sister.

In the sky, the giant metal dragon flew around above them. Half-bloods screamed and ran around, looking for weapons or running for their lives, Kaori wasn't sure. She nocked an arrow, preparing to shoot at the dragon.

That was when she noticed a tiny figure sitting on top of the dragon.

"Leo?" A voice yelled. Kaori turned and saw Piper with Delilah, taking a stop when they stood right next to the twins.

Sure enough, there Leo Valdez was, sitting atop a giant bronze death machine and grinning like a lunatic. Even before he landed, the camp alarm went up. A conch horn blew. All the satyrs started screaming, "Don't kill me!" Half the camp ran outside in a mixture of pajamas and armor. The dragon set down right in the middle of the green, and Leo yelled, "It's cool! Don't shoot!"

𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐄 - j. grace, ocxoc ¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now