viii. shoes of doom !

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shoes of doom

          As much as Delilah wanted to like Piper, the passive aggressiveness she gave everyone in the cabin was pissing her off. She tried welcoming her to the Aphrodite cabin, a grin on her face. And yet Piper took her kindness as faulty, not believing a word she said. Delilah even offered to get her clothes, to which she denied saying it'll be worse than what she had on. Eventually, she told her to rest and they wouldn't head on the quest early in the morning. She had been used to people undermining her, but a daughter of Aphrodite undermining her own siblings . . . Piper had to be a certain level of hypocrite to do that.

Before she went to sleep Delilah noticed two carnations on her bed, curtesy of Jake. She knew it was Jake because no one had gifted her things since they became friends. And she was simple so he thought two simple carnations were the perfect gift. But Jake wasn't the perfect boy. He was nice and Delilah enjoyed her time with him. After the death of Charles and Silena they became good friends as they both figured out how to be head counselor. Several of Delilah's siblings told her to start a relationship with him considering how hung up he was, but he was her friend. A friend she couldn't imagine dating. Delilah was a simple girl; she didn't need flowers to woo over.

While most of the Aphrodite cabin was awake, Piper was sound asleep. Others offered to wake her up with cold water on her face, but Delilah warned them that they would be on lunch duty for a week if they bothered her.

While Delilah got ready in the bathroom, dressed in mom jeans and a cropped long-sleeved t-shirt she bought in Korea of her favorite group Girls Generation. She wore white sneakers, which were better than the white heeled shoes Drew had offered for the outfit. Maybe her outfit was too fashionable, then again she was a daughter of Aphrodite and would be in the same clothes for days. Her outfit going into the Labyrinth was less comfortable. She might as well make it fashionable. She had put on a pink puffer jacket over her clothes to protect her from the winter air.

She had taken her medicine before Piper had woken up and made sure she had packed it in her backpack. Thankfully Kaen and Kaori would be able to help her take the medicine, even if the other three saw her take it. Vitamins, she would say. They're vitamins she had to take. Of course Jason had already noticed her shaky hands and made it possible he would ask her about it. But to connect those two would be too hard for his blond-seeped brain.

Delilah was able to hear Drew talking from outside the bathroom, "Oh, honey, it won't go away." Her voice dripped with false sympathy. "Mom's blessing will last at least another day. Maybe a week if you're lucky."

"A week?" Piper's voice was heard.

"Don't worry, hon." Drew said. "You're thinking you don't belong here? We couldn't agree more. Isn't that right, Mitchell."

"Um, yeah. Sure."

Delilah sighed and finished brushing out her curled hair that she had put half up and tied with a ribbon, regretting telling Drew that she was in charge of the cabin while she was gone. She opened the bathroom door, her campers going silent knowing that they would get scolded by their much-nicer older sister.

"We all have our duties to clean up this cabin," Delilah called to everyone. She walked to her bunk, the one right on top of Drew's she had decorated with pictures of her and her friends. Delilah grabbed her sword she left hanging on the bedpost and sheathed it to her skirt. She grabbed the floral backpack she had used for since she was eleven, fully stocked with supplies. "Breakfast is in fifteen minutes and I suspect this cabin to be spotless as always. I also suspect you all to one, obey Drew while I'm gone and two, don't fucking be assholes for crying out loud. Mitchell! You're on garbage duty because of your little incident with the Stoll brothers."

𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐄 - j. grace, ocxoc ¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now