xxv. cutting to the chase !

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cutting to the chase

When Jason's lance broke, he knew he was dead.

The battle had started well enough. Jason's instincts kicked in, and his gut told him he'd dueled opponents almost this big before. Size and strength equaled slowness, so Jason just had to be quicker—pace himself, wear out his opponent, and avoid getting smashed or flame-broiled. Kaori was a godsend. She had been able to reach higher than Jason good, considering she was like a female Tarzan shooting arrows at the giant. Jason occasionally saw glimpses of her and he had never felt more grateful to have someone fighting with him. But soon, Enceladus had ripped Kaori's vine and left her free falling straight for the ground.

"Kaori!" Jason ran as fast as he could to her direction, throwing his lance on the ground to give him space to catch her. Kaori landed in his arms, eyes bright green and she smelled of pine. But he didn't have time to admire how beautiful she was when they were in the middle of battle. "You okay?"

"I got a dagger, I'm fine," She tried to smile when Jason helped her down while she casually took a dagger out of her boot like it was a normal occurrence. She pushed a strand of hair out of her face. Kaori's eyes widened like the worst thing was about to happen. "Get out of the way!"

She took his arm and they rolled away from the giant's first spear thrust. Jason jabbed Enceladus in the ankle. His javelin managed to pierce the thick dragon hide, and golden ichor—the blood of immortals—trickled down the giant's clawed foot.

Enceladus bellowed in pain and blasted them with fire. Jason scrambled away and he saw Kaori rolling behind the giant, and struck him behind his knee. It went on like that for seconds, minutes—it was hard to judge. Jason heard combat across the clearing—construction equipment grinding, fire roaring, monsters shouting, and rocks smashing into metal. He heard the others yelling defiantly, which meant they were still alive. Jason tried not to think about it. He couldn't afford to get distracted. Right now it was only him and Kaori — versus a giant. Perfect.

Enceladus's spear missed him by a millimeter. Jason kept dodging, but the ground stuck to his feet. Gaea was getting stronger, and the giant was getting faster. Enceladus might be slow, but he wasn't dumb. He began anticipating Jason and Kaori's moves, and their attacks were only annoying him, making him more enraged.

"I'm not some minor monster," Enceladus bellowed. "I am a giant, born to destroy gods! Your little gold and bronze toothpicks can't kill me, half-bloods."

Jason didn't waste energy replying. He was already tired. The ground clung to his feet, making him feel like he weighed an extra hundred pounds. The air was full of smoke that burned his lungs. Fires roared around him, stoked by the winds, and the temperature was approaching the heat of an oven.

Jason raised his javelin to block the giant's next strike—a big mistake. Don't fight force with force, a voice chided him —the wolf Lupa, who'd told him that long ago. He managed to deflect the spear, but it grazed his shoulder, and his arm went numb.

He backed up, almost tripping over a burning log. He had to delay—to keep the giant's attention fixed on him while his friends dealt with the Earthborn and rescued Piper's dad. He couldn't fail.

Jason retreated, trying to lure the giant to the edge of the clearing. Enceladus could sense his weariness. The giant smiled, baring his fangs.

"The mighty Jason Grace," he taunted. "Yes, we know about you, son of Jupiter. The one who led the assault on Mount Othrys. The one who single-handedly slew the Titan Krios and toppled the black throne."

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