xxi. saved by the arrow !

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saved by the arrow

Kaori had never felt more saved than when Thalia Grace showed up. If anyone was her saving grace, it was always going to be Thalia. She was tough and showed no weakness, someone Kaori admired since their first meeting. During the twins' times of need during the war she was there to help them.

For a minute, Jason and Thalia faced each other, stunned. Then Thalia rushed forward and hugged him.

"My gods! She told me you were dead!" She gripped Jason's face and seemed to be examining everything about it. "Thank Artemis, it is you. That little scar on your lip—you tried to eat a stapler when you were two!"

"Stapler?" Kaori whispered to Kaen in a confused manner. She knew when a word she was completely unaware of made her accent thicker. Her brother shrugged, both nearly clueless at the word. Kaori had heard many words she didn't understand, but Jason eating something like a stapler didn't sound like a good thing.

Leo laughed. "Seriously?"

Hedge nodded like he approved of Jason's taste. "Staplers —excellent source of iron."

"W-wait," Jason stammered. "Who told you I was dead? What happened?"

At the cave entrance, one of the white wolves barked. Thalia looked back at the wolf and nodded, but she kept her hands on Jason's face, like she was afraid he might vanish. "My wolf is telling me I don't have much time, and she's right. But we have to talk. Let's sit."

Kaori did better than that. She collapsed. She would've cracked her head on the cave floor if Kaen hadn't caught her.

Thalia rushed over. "What's wrong with her? Ah—never mind. I see. Hypothermia. Ankle." She frowned at the satyr. "Don't you know nature healing?"

Hedge scoffed. "Why do you think she looks this good? Can't you smell the Gatorade?"

"It's my fault," Kaori interjected. "It was almost completely healed with my own powers until I put too much pressure on it. Kinda made it worse."

"Nothing is ever your fault, Kai. You and the satyr," Thalia ordered to Leo, "take Kai to my friend at the entrance. Phoebe's an excellent healer and with Kaen's help, I'm sure she'll feel even better."

"It's cold out there!" Hedge said. "I'll freeze my horns off."

But everyone knew when they weren't wanted. "Come on, Hedge," Leo urged. "These two need time to talk."

"Humph. Fine," the satyr muttered. "Didn't even get to brain anybody."

Kaen and Delilah helped Kaori toward the entrance. Leo was about to follow when Jason called, "Actually, man, could you, um, stick around?"

Everyone turned and Kaori saw something in Jason's eyes he didn't expect: Jason was asking for support. He wanted somebody else there. He was scared.

Leo grinned. "Sticking around is my specialty."

Kaori managed a weak smile and mouthed, "Good luck" to Jason. He sent a nod her way and the group took off outside.

Phoebe set up a silver tent pavilion outside of the cave. Kaori didn't know how, but she had done it so fast with a heater inside that kept them nicely warm and throw pillows all around. Kaen and Delilah slowly laid Kaori down on the pillows, propping her leg up for support.

"Would you guys like some hot cocoa while I fix your friend's leg?" asked Phoebe. "And new clothes because . . . well, you smell horrible."

"Please, actually," Piper seemed disgusted with her clothes.

𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐄 - j. grace, ocxoc ¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now