vi. frenemies by chance, sisters by force !

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frenemies by chance, sisters by force

Delilah loved dressing up, but that didn't mean she also didn't love dressing comfortably. She saw a few of her siblings dress in high heels, a revealing shirt ( or no shirt for one of her siblings ), and even saw one of her sisters who was known as "the" scene kid at camp buckle up platform heels. That of course didn't include her other siblings; who thought the campfire was an excuse to dress down which meant they wore sweatpants and oversized t-shirts. Aphrodite's beauty and versions of beauty came in several shapes and sizes. That's what Delilah loved about her cabin.

She had dressed in a white cropped hoodie with pastel blue designs, and a matching plaid skirt of the same colors. She had tied her hair back with a blue bow that let a few of her side pieces fly out. Delilah changed out her first pair of white sneakers with far more athletic ones that gave her added height. She didn't bother with her makeup seeing as it had stayed in place all day nor did she care that it was the complete opposite of her orange t-shirt and jean skirt she had been wearing earlier that day. Her outfits distracted from her hands, that's what she loved about her clothes.

"D, it's time," Drew called from outside the bathroom. Delilah shakily moved her bangs away from her eyes. Looking at herself in the mirror made her so close to shattering it just by throwing a hairbrush at it. If she looked down all that would be in her sight were her shaking hands that wouldn't stop no matter how hard she tried. "Delilah?"

It took all her strength to leave the bathroom. Drew waited by Delilah's bed with a cup of water and two pills for her. Her hands couldn't stay still enough for Drew to place them in her hands without them falling to the ground which meant Delilah had to open her mouth for Drew to place the medicine inside. With her help, Delilah drank the water to swallow down the pills and waited for her hands to stop shaking.

"Is it working?" Drew asked before putting the pills back under Delilah's bed.

"It will soon," she sighed. "Just give it a minute. Falling into the lake . . it shook me up."

Drew watched Delilah stare at her hands as it took minutes for the shaking to die down. It could never really be stopped by the medicine but it was manageable for the next few hours for the campfire. Piper passing out had detoured Delilah's time to take her medicine, though she couldn't blame her for it. Her father never really paid attention to her shaky hands unless it was disturbing the photoshoot or commercial filming. Him yelling at her when her hands only shook more was a memory engraved in her brain.

"Gods I can't thank the Apollo kids enough for that medicine," Delilah took a bottle of hand lotion from her bed stand and squeezed some of it onto her palms. Apollo magic didn't mean there weren't side effects, and the medicine made her hands extremely dry to the point of discomfort. "Let's go."

"Hey," Drew took Delilah's hand and held it firmly. She gave her a smile before tucking her hair behind her sister's ear. "It'll get better, I promise."

"It won't, but thanks," Delilah tried to smile but it was weaker than it usually was. "Come on."

The amphitheater steps were carved into the side of a hill, facing a stone-lined fire pit. Fifty or sixty kids filled the rows, clustered into groups under various banners.

Delilah spotted Jason in the front next to the twins and Annabeth. Leo was nearby, sitting with a bunch of burly-looking campers under a steel gray banner emblazoned with a hammer. Standing in front of the fire, half a dozen campers with guitars and lyres were jumping around, leading a song about pieces of armor, something about how their grandma got dressed for war. Everybody was singing with them and making gestures for the pieces of armor and joking around. Delilah and Drew took a seat with the rest of their siblings. She spotted Piper walking to the campfire with Rachel, looking better than she had when she passed out.  As the energy level got higher, the flames did too, turning from red to orange to gold. She turned toward the Aphrodite kids and Delilah swore she had a glint of judgment in her eyes. And when Delilah read someone's expression she was almost always right.

𝐏𝐄𝐀𝐂𝐄 - j. grace, ocxoc ¹ ✓Where stories live. Discover now