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"You owe me."

"We agreed on 50/50."

"But you had your doubts, though."

"Ohh, he's waking up."

Thorin chuckled. "Leave him alone, boys." He seemed to be back to his self, despite the curative gash in his chest. 

Bilbo opened one eye with a smirk.
"Placed bets, have we?"

"Bilbo! gotten with our uncle, have you?" Fili countered.

"I- uh, I suppose so, yes."

"You done it yet?" Kili followed.

"Done- What?" Oh so confused Bilbo.

"You know," they giggled.

Bilbo's eyes widened. "Hey! What- you see here! We- I- Nothing of the sort!" He shouted the last bit, then stood up quickly, pointing his finger out like he would speak to wizards, or royalty.

How the brothers so loved leading him on, his face becoming redder by the moment.

Thorin attempted to shoo them away, unfazed by the unconventional conversation he had just witnessed. He sat up, his strength replenishing. He held out his arms, welcoming his nephews to a hug. They graciously accepted. 
Kili on the left, Fili on the right, they embraced their uncle which they had quite recently almost lost. 
Bilbo's faux anger immediately vanquished his mind as he saw the love the dwarves held to each other. The brothers pulled away, smiling. 
"Glad to have you back." Kili said. 
"I'm glad to be." Thorin glanced past them, towards Bilbo. 

Fili took notice, and not-so discreetly  jabbed Kili in the arm to get his attention. He nodded his head to the doorway. 
"We'll let the other's know you're awake, then. Kili, let's go to prepare dinner afterwards, alright with you?" 
Kili shrugged with a smile. He'd go for anything as long as he got to spend time with his only brother. Just before they left the room, Kili made an exaggerated wink at Bilbo, who fumed silently.

When the two mischievous -well, one mischievous, one not so much- dwarves had fully disappeared out of sight through the doorway, Bilbo looked back towards Thorin, who was contently admiring the hobbit. 
He suddenly felt rather self-conscious, and looked away, pretending to survey a stack of books that was conveniently stacked on a shelf near him. He jumped as Thorin began to speak softly.

"I'm not still asleep, am I? this is real? in my many years I'd never felt something quite like this I must say. you're not going to leave me, are you?" 
The last words stung Bilbo's heart a bit (quite more than 'a bit', rather). 
He turned and sat down on the chair close to the bed. He pulled the chair closer, to where he could rest the upper half of his body on the fairly tall cot with his arms folded in front of him. He situated himself to where he was looking directly into the eyes of the dwarf before him.
"No, Thorin; I do not plan to leave, especially to leave you. I suppose one day soon I will have to go back to the shire to arrange things, but I will never be far away, and you can easily come with me as well." 
Thorin smiled. He reached out to the back of Bilbo's head, leaning forward to rest their foreheads together. They both closed their eyes.
Bilbo liked this moment. He loved it, in fact. Not just the moment, though, but the person too. He now realized how much he loved all that was around him, and especially Thorin, of course.

[572 words]

hehehehe i love this chapter. i like writing them in short bits too. let me know what you'd like to see in the future!

as always, best regards,


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