Stonework and Supper

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Kili followed Fili through the stone halls of Erebor, the kingdom of the mountain. While Thorin was away -asleep and healing- they tidied up the place for their uncle and family.
Tauriel had joined them, adding plants and star-lanterns to dim corners, much to the dwarves dismay (except for Kili, of course).

      He had once walked in on Tauriel soothing a dying vine into colourful bloom. She had never ceased to amaze the dwarf.
"What happens if you cannot save them?" he asked from behind her, leaning up against one of the supporting pillars in the cozy stonework room. 
"I like to think that I only encourage their flourish, not simply bribe them with adulation into blossom."
"That didn't answer my question."
She turned, smiling.
"All things die, Kili. we have our time, so do creatures, beasts, green hills and flowers alike. I'd like to give them a second chance still."
Kili grinned up at her.. He thought of his uncle. Not so long ago it was almost Thorin's time -aswell as his own-, but Bilbo would not accept the alternative option. Thorin would stay alive; and so he did.
Kili had spent much more time in that room with Tauriel. He spoke about dragons and passages of gold, about hobbit holes and beautiful blossoms.   

Back to the present, Fili suggested that he and his brother go to prepare dinner, didn't he? I quite think he did, and so they shall. Tauriel joined them, as she didn't fancy cold stone caverns. She much preferred warm hearths and lush greenery, flavorful food and soft touch. They decided on roast fish with cranberry salad, deep-red aged wine and lemon bread.
Typically they would provide a simple stew and biscuits for dinner (always bringing a solitary tray to Bilbo after their main meal), but tonight was special on the account of Thorin waking healthily. This had become a kind of ritual, Tauriel Fili and Kili readying dinner.

And onto it came to pass, supper was prepared and served.
And Thorin was there to talk and laugh and reminisce with them all.  

[349 words]
The song 'A Mask of My Own Face' by Lemon Demon was playing when I finished this fic and it make my brain go wheeeeee


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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