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Thorin's eyes opened.

Gone were the glaciers and ruins, the carnage and the burned.

Now existed only warm light, beautiful green leaves, and- Bilbo.

Bilbo, aside Thorin's cot, reading at about two-thirds the way through a rather large novel.

"Bilbo,," Thorin was surprised to hear his voice sound so weak.

The Hobbit looked up from his book, his eyes widening.

"You're- awake," he stumbled through his words, albeit a short statement.
He nearly jumped out of his chair and to Thorin's side. Embracing Thorin in a doting yet gentle hug, he buried his head into the other's shoulder. Thorin was surprised, then sunk into the touch. He could not remember the last time he had a tender moment such as this.
Bilbo pulled away to look into Thorin's eyes.
"I didn't do anything  about it before, but now since the battle and how you were stabbed and-," he rambled.

Thorin looked to him in confusion, and Bilbo took a breath.     "It's just.." he trailed off.                        "I wanted to say something sooner but there wasn't a good time, so, Thorin... I..,"                                 
"Oh, Bilbo," he held the Hobbit's face close. His fingertips on the other's jawline, he smiled. 

Bilbo's eyes widened, then quivered shut as he felt lips against his own. He smiled into the kiss. His arms curled to the back of Thorin's head. In all the time he'd ever lived, he couldn't have even imagined a moment as pure as this.

As they pulled away, Bilbo's ears turned a light shade of rosy-pink. 
Bilbo giggled slightly, which brought a chuckle from Thorin.

Thorin attempted at lifting him up onto the side of the bed, although Bilbo stood himself, as the dwarf's injuries were far from healed. He curled up to the other's side, placing his hand on the bandages covering Thorin's chest.

His consciousness wavered, and he was soon in a state of dream. 

[313 Words]

I'll add more description to this later, hope you enjoyed! :)
Lmk what you want for future chapters, love you!


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