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[I have finished this chapter I am tired it is in the early am's I might write the explanation to Fili and Kili living after Ravenhill but for now you just get to speculate. <3]


Bilbo awoke, squinting against the sunlight; a sharp pain writhing through his temples.

"Thorin," he mumbled.

His eyes shot open. "Thorin." he must find Thorin.

Bilbo stood shakily. His knees bent awkwardly, and dirty gashes through his uncovered feet stung like scorch-marks.

Oddly quiet were the surroundings, especially during a war. Grey, imposing skies hung overhead. Bodies of slain men, orcs, and elves littered the ground surrounding him. A child who mustn't have been more than a few years old laid disturbingly peaceful among the rest of the carnage, although their eyes were frozen in a glazed-over state.

The hobbit stumbled across the broken stage of battle.

"Thorin, Thorin," he whispered to himself over and over again, willing with all his being that his love was alive.

He came onto a lake of ice; the Orc he understood to be named Azog laid in the center of the valley of glaciers.

He crept forward cautiously, untrusting that The Pale Orc was truly dead. His attention was pulled to a loose trail of blood leading away from Azog's body.

"Thorin!" Bilbo shouted.

He practically sprinted down the patched path of blood towards Thorin, who was faced up towards the sky with his hands over his chest.

"No. No, no, no, no." Bilbo knelt down, cradling Thorin's head in this hands. The dwarf's eyes were closed. "Thorin," Bilbo all but whispered. His head was swarming like a bees-nest thrown into a fireplace.

"I'm here," he grazed his thumbs gingerly over Thorin's matted hair.

"Don't leave me."

Tears began to swell, and he embraced what he thought to be Thorin's dead body.

Thorin slightly opened his eyes, managing a crooked smile while doing so.

"Master Baggins-"

Bilbo startled. He pulled away, looking at his world which he had thought was lost only moments ago.

"Go back to your books, and your armchair....  Plant your trees, watch them grow."
He chuckled lightly, then coughed, the taste of blood polluting his mouth.
"If more people valued home over gold, this world would be a merrier place..."

"No! Thorin, you're going to live. I'll be right back, do you hear me?"

"Farewell, Master Burgular.."
The gash in Thorin's chest ached; letting go would be okay, everything would be alright. 

Bilbo stood and ran towards the ruins of Ravenhill.

Thorin's breathing rate decreased. His vision began to blur.

The world grew dark around him.

And the last Thorin Oakenshield heard was Bilbo's frantic screams to his nephews. 

[397 Words]

Weeeeeeeee tell me what you thought of this :) 
I'm writing more too yippee!
Also sometime I may write chapters leading up to this one just lmk what you wanna read. Also I'll take suggestions on future chapters [Chapters, not oneshots :D]

hehehehe okay byej


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