That One Person

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A/n- First, sorry for the title, Lmao, I didn't know what else to name this chapter xD

Second, I wanted to BARF while writing a scene in this chapter. I can't deal with my ideas—


Courtney sat on her bedroom floor, tugging at the loose strings of carpet beneath her. She held her phone in both hands, staring at Duncan's number. She had been strong enough not to name him in her phone but weak enough not to block him. She wondered if he had her blocked. I guess I'll find out after this text.

She hesitated before clicking on the message button. Over the past few days, she fought with herself on whether she should tell him or not. She had this discussion with Heather ten times already, wanting her input. Heather always said that if she were her, she wouldn't tell him. Sometimes, Courtney agreed, but at other times, she put herself in his shoes. She'd want to know.

So here she was, texting Duncan: Hey, can I tell you something? She erased it before sending it. No, Courtney, don't ask. Just tell him.

Courtney: Hi, Duncan. I'm pregnant.

She shook her head, deleting the message again. Too straightforward. I need to lead with something.

Courtney: Hi, Duncan. This is Courtney. This may come as a shock, but I think you have the right to know. I took a blood test at the doctor's and found out I'm pregnant.

"Ugh, no," Courtney groaned. She didn't want to give too much information away because it created room for a longer conversation. She texted for the fourth time: Hi, it's Courtney. I just wanted to let you know that I'm pregnant. Send it! Just send it, Courtney! She squeezed her eyes shut and pressed 'send.'

Her stomach dropped as she saw the tiny delivered text at the bottom of her message. Ok, deep breaths, Courtney. Just breathe. She inhaled slowly through her diaphragm.

When she opened her eyes again, the delivered had changed to read. Courtney's body tensed. Her heart felt like a drum in her chest. She stared at her phone intensely. Why hasn't he said anything?! It's so easy to reply with a couple of words! Even 'OMG' would work! She thought, squirming uncomfortably.


Duncan was eating dinner after he got home from work. The text came suddenly. He read it, and everything was like slow motion. Hi, it's Courtney. I just wanted to let you know that I'm pregnant.

He rubbed his eyes repeatedly, hoping he had strained them while focusing closely on tattoos all day. But the message stayed the same. Pregnant.

"Ok," Duncan breathed, getting up from his chair. "Ok. This is happening. This is actually happening." He anxiously paced back and forth in the kitchen. "Fuck...FUCK." He wanted to pull his hair out. He picked up his phone, wanting to text her back, but he didn't know what to say. Does he ask if it's a joke? Does he ask how far along she is? Does he ask what she's planning to do?

Duncan ended up putting his phone back down on the table. He trudged toward the freezer and screamed into it. The cold air stung his face. He hoped that maybe it would knock enough sense into him to reply.

He sat back at the table but still couldn't find the words. I need help. I can't do this on my own. He called Geoff. "What's up, my man?" He answered.

"I—really need your help. You know exactly what to say in tough situations, so I figured I'd call you." Duncan bit the inside of his cheek.

"—Oh. What's wrong?"

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