Tragic Beginnings and Beautiful Accidents

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"We all heard the news, Heath. Congratulations!" Amelia, Michelle, and a few other models happily surrounded Heather after she left Nicolette's office with her new managerial position.

Heather smiled, furrowing her eyebrows. "Did she tell you before?"

"Yes!" Amelia nodded. "And we wanna throw a party for you in the building this weekend after we close! Since Nicolette will be gone on Monday, it's our last party with you as our coworker. Then, you'll be the big boss."

"I won't treat you guys any differently," laughed Heather. "Except I may have to boss you around sometimes if work doesn't get done."

"I'd let you boss me around any day, hottie," Michelle playfully winked.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow, ok?" Heather smirked, taking her phone out of her purse.

"See you, girl! We love you!" Amelia blew multiple air kisses to her.

"Love you guys too," Heather rolled her eyes while she left the building. She waited until she was in her car to call Alejandro. He was the first person she told when something incredible or terrible happened to her. And he was her biggest supporter.

"Hola, mi amor," her boyfriend answered.

"Hey, so—I have some good news." Excitement bubbled up in her stomach.

"What is it, mi vida?"

"Next week, I will be the manager of Flatter Allure!"

Alejandro gasped. "¡Dios mío! You're not joking?!"

"No! Of course not!" Heather said. "I was obviously the best for the job."

"Mi amor, mi reina, mi ángel...congratulations! I am so happy for you! This is increíble!"

"I know; I can't believe this is happening right now!" Heather felt more accomplished than she did in her entire life. Take that, mom and dad. I made something of myself—something you always thought I could never do.

"I'm coming over to celebrate. If that's ok with you, cariño," said Alejandro.

"Yeah, that's perfect," Heather smiled. "I'll be at my house in fifteen minutes, ok?"

"Bueno. I'll be there after I finish a quick assignment."

"Ugh, I'm just so excited! I can't sit still," she giggled.

"I'm beyond excited for you. You are such an amazing woman," Alejandro told her.

It was words like those that gave Heather butterflies. After all these years, Alejandro still had her wrapped around his finger. "I'll see you later, babe. Good luck with your assignment."

"Gracias. I'll need it. I love you. Get home safe."

"I will. I Love you too."

When Heather got home, she lounged on her couch. She felt like she was on top of the world. Then, the hunger pangs came. Her stomach rumbled. It felt like someone was twisting a knife into her gut.

Heather winced, curling up in a ball to ease the pain. She was used to this, and she didn't feel like eating, so she searched for cooking videos on YouTube. Her mouth tingled and watered at the sight of food. She wanted to eat more than anything, but she couldn't bring herself to step foot in the kitchen. Just thinking about eating made her anxious. Looking at videos and tempting herself was like a "reward."

The longer she watched, the worse she felt. Then, she remembered that she could call Courtney and tell her the news. That beat thirty minutes of torturing herself with food videos.

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