Chapter 1

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(Neteyam) "the song cord a bead for every song we sing a bead for the birth of our son Ateyo, a bead for his adoption into our family, a bead for the first comute to eywa, each bead has a meaning and it's only the beginning of our son's life"

(Aonung) *holding Ateyo* Ateyo

(Ronal) ateyo

(Tonowari) ateyo

(Aonung) *singing ateyos song* our great son, our boy you brought light, a new life, a new son, a great joy which is in the heart, we thank you for the nights of life, we thank you for the days of life, ma eywa welcome my ateyo I bring you to the family I experience light, a miracle arrives, a birth out of one person, a great joy which is in the heart, a great joy which is on the heart, we thank you for the nights of life, we thank you for the days of life, ma eywa, ma eywa

*metkayina gathered around*

(Neteyam) you bring us joy son

(Tonowari) we are proud of you boys

(Aonung) *holding ateyo in arms* thank you father

(Neytiri) he will grow up greatly with two great leaders by his side

(Neteyam) thank you mother

(Tuk) can we hold him?

(Aonung) another time tuk, we should be laying him down for a nap

(Neteyam) how about you join me tuk? Will be practicing with the nets

(Tuk) let's do it

(Lo'ak) I'll join you big bro

(Neteyam) as long as you don't throw a net on kiri again then you can

(Lo'ak) hey last time was an accident

(Aonung) *laying ateyo onto bed* mother are you alright with watching him?

(Ronal) of course he is in good hands with your brother and I

(Aonung) thank you mother

(Kiri) are you two fighting?

(Neteyam) no

(Lo'ak) no

(Aonung) *walking out of hut* he was warning Lo'ak not to throw a net on you again sister

(Kiri) if you do that again I will tell dad or you'll deal with rotxo

(Lo'ak) I won't do it

(Rotxo) Ma'Kiri wait for me

(Kiri) I will rotxo

(Lo'ak) have you heard updates on spider?

(Kiri) he is being great help to norm they are restoring homes of the Omaticaya

(Jake) he's been great help there

(Tuk) will we ever go back dad?

(Jake) our home is here now tuk it has been for the last seven years

(Lo'ak) it won't hurt to visit sometime

(Neteyam) tuk come help unroll the net

(Tuk) coming neteyam *running to neteyam*

(Tsireya) your son is adorable brother

(Aonung) thank you sister

(Neteyam) ready tuk? *holding net*

(Tuk) ready *holding net*

(Neteyam) *releasing net with tuk* you did great

(Tuk) this is fun

(Neytiri) great job tuk

(Tuk) mama come join us

(Neteyam) would you like to help her with the next net mother?

(Neytiri) I will help her come tuk *holding net with tuk*

(Jake) you are a great leader son

(Neteyam) thank you dad

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