Chapter 8

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(Ora) wa wa *running to water*

(Tsireya) ora wait

(Ora) auntie

(Tsireya) come here sweetie

(Ora) *running to tsireya* auntie

(Aonung) *walking out of hut* Ora? *looking around* Ora?

(Tsireya) over here brother *carrying ora*

(Aonung) where was she going?

(Tsireya) she was running for the water I caught her in time

(Aonung) baby you can't leave alone

(Ora) play play *pointing at water*

(Tsireya) she must really love the water brother

(Aonung) I just don't trust sending her alone that's all she is only three

(Tsireya) you are a protective father brother

(Aonung) lo'ak will be too once you have your child

(Tsireya) no doubt about it but I trust lo'ak he is a good uncle and he will be a great father

(Aonung) how about we find dada ora

(Ora) dada

(Aonung) that's right

(Tsireya) where is neteyam?

(Aonung) with your husband

(Tsireya) I see them now

(Lo'ak) *wrestling in water with neteyam* I got you now bro

(Neteyam) you skxawng

(Aonung) we certainly married some crazy brothers

(Jake) *looking from hut* the boys are acting like kids again

(Neytiri) they still have kid spirit in them they should enjoy it

(Ateyo) daddy

(Neteyam) *looking up at aonung* hey guys

(Lo'ak) we were just

(Tsireya) wrestling each other in the water it's alright lo'ak

(Ora) dada

(Neteyam) come join us ora *sitting up in water*

(Ora) *running up to neteyam* dada

(Neteyam) what were you two up to?

(Aonung) our child was trying to make a run for it to the water but tsireya got her in time

(Neteyam) ora you didn't wait for us

(Ora) *splashing water* wa wa

(Neteyam) she is a true Metkayina with her love for water

(Lo'ak) how are you guys liking it with two kids?

(Aonung) it's new to get used to but were happy welcoming ora into our home she gets a big brother to look after her and two fathers

(Tsireya) the more I look at those two the more it reminds me of us brother your son acts like a little version of you and she reminds me of me

(Aonung) your right

(Ateyo) *holding stick* mighty warrior

(Neteyam) Ateyo

(Ateyo) *hitting tree* attack attack

(Lo'ak) *sitting and laughing* now that's more of neteyam

(Neteyam) Ateyo we don't beat up trees

(Ateyo) mighty like dada

(Aonung) you did great protecting us son

(Neteyam) very mighty son

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