Chapter 12

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(Ateyo) daddy daddy

(Aonung) I'm right here son *fixing bun* where is your dad?

(Ateyo) by the waters with ora

(Aonung) the water? *walking outside hut* neteyam

(Neteyam) *sitting at shoreline with ora* I'm right here why are you yelling?

(Aonung) Ateyo said you were in the water

(Ateyo) dada by water

(Aonung) sorry son I didn't hear you right

(Neteyam) were sitting by the shoreline so ora can feel the water and sand

(Aonung) she looks like she's having fun

(Ora) *holding sand in hands* san dada *walking to aonung*

(Aonung) thank you ora

(Neteyam) was everything alright?

(Aonung) I worried you were far out in the water with ora

(Neteyam) were safe right here come join us

(Aonung) I will join you

(Neteyam) your bun is messed up my husband

(Ateyo) *laying on sand* fun

(Ora) fun fun *running around in circles*

(Aonung) I tried fixing It before coming out here

(Neteyam) come sit here and I'll help you

(Aonung) *sitting in stand in front of neteyam*

(Neteyam) *fixing aonungs braided bun* it looked worse earlier than it does now

(Ora) *grabbing hair* fix dada fix

(Neteyam) ora don't mess your hair up

(Aonung) sweet child *placing hand on face*

(Neytiri) what is going on over here?

(Neteyam) I was fixing aonungs hair and ora just pulled her hair everywhere

(Neytiri) isn't Metkayina hair hard to style?

(Aonung) it tends to be due to all of the curls in our hair so neteyam practices styles with my hair and with Ora's hair

(Neytiri) that is good of you son

(Ora) grandma braid

(Neytiri) let your dad do it ora

(Ora) grandma *holding Neytiri's hand*

(Aonung) ora let's give you a bun grandma can try a bun if she is alright with it

(Neytiri) I will practice

(Ora) yay

(Neytiri) *brushing ora's hair up* you are good sweet girl

(Neteyam) *tying aonungs hair* all done

(Aonung) thank you my husband

(Neytiri) *tying ora's hair up* done with your hair ora

(Ora) thank you grandma

(Neytiri) you are welcome child *kissing ora forehead*

(Neteyam) how is dad doing?

(Neytiri) he is worried for the family that demon needs to be gone

(Neteyam) he will be mom all of us will protect this family were older now and will be here to help

(Neytiri) I believe you my son we can't risk death we nearly lost you we can't risk that again

(Neteyam) will be ok mom we all will

(Aonung) I will protect your son and our children because I want to keep this family safe

(Jake) you act just like me before we moved to the Metkayina I wanted to protect our family Quaritch had our kids under his knife I knew I needed to do something and keeping them safe was all I wanted to do

(Aonung) I will keep them safe too father I don't want to lose my mate or children

(Ateyo) dada *hugging aonungs arm*

(Aonung) right here my boy

(Neteyam) *holding ora* our family is safe Ma'aonung

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