Chapter 10

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(Neteyam) *sleeping with head on aonungs chest*

(Neytiri) *singing neteyams songcord* "Lie si oe neteyamur, nawma sa'nokur mifa oeya"

(Aonung) my great husband, chiefess of the olo'eyktan chief the husband I choose and will always choose

(Neytiri) "atani ngal molunge, mipa tireyti, mipa itanti"

(Aonung) no one will ever take you from me

(Neytiri) "lawnol a mi te lan, lawnol a mi te'lan"

(Aonung) the great father of our children

(Neytiri) "ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe, toniri tireya"

(Aonung) elder brother his siblings look up to

(Neytiri) "ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe, srriri tireya, ma eywa ma eywa"

(Aonung) a true chief of Omaticaya

(Neytiri) "zola'u niprrte'ma kiri, ngati oel munge soaiane"

(Aonung) I choose you

(Neytiri) "lie si oe atanur, pahem parul, ti'ongokx awtuta"

(Aonung) I choose my great husband

(Neytiri) "lawnol a mi te'lan, lawnol a mi te'lan"

(Aonung) the greatest father

(Neytiri) "ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe, toniri tireya, ngaru irayo seiyi ayoe"

(Aonung) the greatest man that has come into my life, happy day of life to you my husband

(Neytiri) "toniri tireya, ma eywa, ma eywa"

(Neteyam) thank you ma'aonung

(Ora) dada *laying head on neteyams shoulder*

(Neteyam) I'm right here baby

(Ateyo) *laying head on aonungs shoulder* daddy

(Aonung) our great family *kissing neteyams forehead* we celebrate you today

(Neteyam) it will be a great day with you three

(Kiri) where is neteyam?

(Lo'ak) probably sleeping in with aonung

(Kiri) Loran go get dad

(Loran) dada *running into hut* dada

(Rotxo) *carving markings on spier* right here baby

(Loran) can we go get uncle Ao? Uncle tey?

(Rotxo) we can baby, see if auntie tuk wants to go with you dada is busy working on something for uncle tey

(Loran) can I help dada?

(Rotxo) it's to sharp for you baby maybe you can put beads on the string with mama

(Loran) mama can I help you?

(Kiri) yes baby

(Tuk) *walking in hut* found you guys

(Kiri) we are working on gifts for neteyam

(Tuk) loran are you helping your mama?

(Loran) yes

(Lo'ak) tsireya you should rest in the hut with kiri

(Tsireya) I will be fine

(Lo'ak) I only worry for you and the baby

(Tsireya) I can assure you I will be fine

(Neteyam) we should start heading out everyone may be asking about us

(Aonung) I made some favors for us and they let us sleep in for today

(Neteyam) that is sweet of you my husband

(Aonung) you deserve it

(Ateyo) daddy will dada have mark like you?

(Aonung) what mark Ateyo?

(Ateyo) *poking aonungs tattoo on face* mark

(Aonung) well son it's kind of different *sitting up* you see dada and daddy are different na'vi we come from different traditions in our cultures at the age of twenty is when dada received his tattoos and became chief because that is when dada became an adult

(Tonowari) is Ateyo curious on a tattoo?

(Aonung) he wondered if neteyam would be receiving a tattoo just like the ones I have

(Tonowari) we do come from different traditions so Ateyo your dad wouldn't be getting tattoos

(Ateyo) but dada cool with tata

(Neteyam) it's ok my son, I'm happy just the way things are but look on the bright side when you are older my boy you will receive them too

(Ateyo) I will?

(Aonung) yes you will son you are Metkayina and next olo'eyktan after me or your uncle lo'ak

(Ateyo) tata tata

(Neteyam) looks like we got him real excited

(Aonung) Ateyo let's go with Ora and see grandma with grandpa tono

(Ateyo) grandma *running out of hut*

(Tonowari) he sure acts like you son

(Aonung) he will be crazier when he's older

(Neteyam) let's go see our family *holding ora*

(Aonung) *holding neteyams hand* I'll be right by your side

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