Chapter 6

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(Neteyam) *laying in bed beside ora*

(Aonung) *walking into hut* ma'teyam you haven't left the bed all morning

(Neteyam) I jest worry for ora

(Aonung) *sitting beside neteyam and ora* she's ok, mother even says she's ok

(Neteyam) I don't want her to feel alone she had no one for who knows how long, I don't want to make her feel that way

(Aonung) she has us now and ateyo as a big brother *running fingers through neteyams hair* she'll be ok

(Neteyam) how was the meeting with father?

(Aonung) it was good we discussed the building of more huts expanding our homes

(Neteyam) that will be nice, where is our son?

(Aonung) ateyo is with mother and roa

(Neteyam) come lay with me you've had a long meeting

(Aonung) I wouldn't say no to morning cuddles with my husband *laying down with head on neteyams chest*

(Neteyam) the water makes everything sound so relaxing, the sounds of the ilu and the people having fun

(Aonung) our home is happy and safe

(Neteyam) our home is growing *holding oras hand*

(Aonung) how many children do you want?

(Neteyam) what do you mean?

(Aonung) to have our family keep growing

(Neteyam) as many as we are both ready for

(Aonung) I was thinking as many as we can fit in our hut

(Neteyam) Aonung our hut it huge that would be around fourteen children

(Aonung) the more children the bigger the family with you my husband

(Neteyam) *laughing* we could not manage fourteen or even more or less of that in this hut

(Aonung) will never know unless we try *facing above neteyam*

(Neteyam) *placing hand on aonungs cheek* I love you my husband

(Aonung) I love you too

(Neteyam) ateyo would be a great big brother

(Aonung) I believe you *kissing neteyam*

(Kiri) are we interrupting something?

(Neteyam) kiri

(Aonung) our relaxing time is over

(Loran) uncle

(Kiri) rotxo wanted to see if you guys would like to join him for a ride on the ilu

(Aonung) *sitting up* will join him

(Kiri) I can stay with ora if you'd like

(Neteyam) how about we all go together and get ora used to everyone

(Aonung) I like that

(Neteyam) *waking ora up* ora do you want to go for a swim in the water?

(Ora) wa wa

(Neteyam) that's right will go have fun with family

(Ora) *sitting up* wa wa

(Aonung) she looks happy which is a good sign

(Neteyam) let's go for a ride on the ilu ora

(Ora) fun fun *getting up running out of hut*

(Kiri) you got her very excited brother

(Neteyam) ora wait for us

(Rotxo) I have ateyo Lo'ak is coming with tsireya

(Aonung) *carrying ora* you are certainly fast baby

(Neteyam) we are coming *calling ilu*

(Aonung) hold on to me ora *riding ilu*

(Ora) fun fun *giggling*

(Aonung) the ilu likes you sweet baby

(Lo'ak) tsireya be careful

(Tsireya) I will

(Rotxo) *riding ilu with ateyo* he's having alot of fun

(Loran) dada were coming

(Rotxo) ateyo look it's your cousin

(Ateyo) Loran

(Kiri) rotxo let's all gather together

(Rotxo) coming

(Aonung) this is fun having everyone together

(Neteyam) it really is

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