Chapter 14

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(Kiri) where is my husband?

(Lo'ak) he went to your hut to look for loran

(Kiri) Quaritch is coming from that area he has rotxo which means he has loran

(Loran) *tied up on ship with Ateyo and ora* dada

(Rotxo) *running back to kiri* they have the children they have all of our kids

(Aonung) we ride this is war!

(Neteyam) aonung we can't go out there with no army

(Aonung) give them the war call it is time to fight they have our children and I wont stop fighting until they are home!

(Tonowari) *Metkayina war call*

*Metkayina people running to skimwing*

(Aonung) let's go now!

(Ronal) Roa stay with your sister

(Roa) yes mama

(Neytiri) *riding ikran* neteyam fly with me

(Neteyam) *calling ikran* right behind you mother *grabbing bow*

(Jake) lo'ak get ready my boy this is war

(Lo'ak) *running to skimwing* right behind you sir

(Spider) I feel helpless

(Kiri) they will fight you need to stay with tuk

(Spider) you can't go out there kiri it's dangerous

(Kiri) they have my daughter I must go out there I may be a Tsahik but I was trained by my mother to use a bow now I must join *tossing bow over shoulder*

(Tuk) kiri take me with you

(Kiri) you need to stay tuk with tsireya and roa in case anything happens please stay with her

(Tuk) I will

(Kiri) *kissing tuk's head* be safe sister spider I'll be home soon *running to ikran*

(Rotxo) kiri

(Lo'ak) she's joining the fight to get her daughter out of this

(Neteyam) *riding ikran* kiri

(Kiri) right behind you mother brother

(Neytiri) stay close if they start firing separate fast

(Kiri) yes mom

(Lyle) parties arrived

(Ateyo) dada

(Quaritch) a chiefs child must suck to lose a chief

(Aonung) *hissing* let my children go

(Quaritch) *talking in microphone* looks like I've missed out on timing sully

(Jake) release those children Quaritch they are not apart of this

(Neteyam) mom we must get down there

(Neytiri) wait my son we must wait

(Neteyam) my children *squeezing bow*

(Neytiri) everyone is here to help them my son

(Quaritch) *talking in mic* calm your wife down sully or my men will fire up

(Jake) this is our fight they aren't apart of this

(Kiri) *talking in mic to rotxo* I must go down there

(Rotxo) ma'kiri you can't leave

(Kiri) our daughter is up there on that ship I must do something

(Aonung) rotxo you will stay with us here let kiri go down she can get ahold of the ship and give us time to get them

(Lo'ak) kiri wait

(Kiri) I can't wait brother my child is in danger

(Lo'ak) payakan he's close I will send my brother to help

(Neteyam) the tulkun are nearby

(Kiri) *talking in mic to rotxo* get Rox to join we need all the tulkun we can get

(Rotxo) I will call for my brother, aonung call for yours

(Neteyam) *talking in mic to Aonung* the more tulkun we can get to help the faster this war ends and we can save our children

(Aonung) let's end this

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