Chapter 2

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(Lo'ak) *landing ikran with tsireya* wasn't that fun?

(Tsireya) I see why you guys love it so much, theirs so many amazing views

(Aonung) where did you go sister?

(Tsireya) lo'ak took me on a ride on his ikran, we viewed the seas and creatures in the water it was beautiful

(Neteyam) *holding ateyo in baby wrap* we should go for one

(Aonung) a ride on one of those?

(Neteyam) you've never been on mine so I thought it's time for you to meet my spirit brother I met nung you should meet mine

(Aonung) I will meet him

(Neteyam) kiri may I ask a favor of you?

(Kiri) what is it brother?

(Neteyam) can you hold ateyo while I take Aonung for a ride on the ikran?

(Kiri) yes I can

(Neteyam) *handing kiri ateyo* I can't untie the wrap if it's alright with you holding him that way

(Kiri) it's fine brother I will take good care of him

(Rotxo) you are good with babies

(Kiri) I helped my mother by holding tuk all of the time

(Lo'ak) rotxo should be next

(Rotxo) next for what?

(Lo'ak) next to ride an ikran, tsireya met my spirit brother, Aonung is meeting neteyams, you should meet kiris spirit sister

(Rotxo) I'd like that as long as my wife agrees

(Kiri) you may meet her once neteyam and aonung get back from their ride

(Neteyam) *calling Nayak* come here brother

*Nayak flying down*

(Aonung) woah

(Neteyam) this is Nayak he's my ikran they only bond with one rider in their entire lifetime

(Aonung) Nayak was a good name

(Neteyam) *climbing onto ikran* come for a ride

(Aonung) how do you get onto Nayak?

(Neteyam) jest hold out your hand I'll pull you up

(Aonung) *holding hand up to Neteyam* be careful

(Neteyam) I will

(Neytiri) what are you kids up to?

(Kiri) Neteyam is giving Aonung a ride on his spirit brother

(Neytiri) be careful my son

(Neteyam) I will mother you better hold on

(Aonung) I will

(Ronal) don't be hard on him

(Aonung) I won't

(Neteyam) ready?

(Aonung) ye-

(Neteyam) *flying up with aonung*

(Aonung) whoah whoah WHOAH- NETEYAM!

(Lo'ak) *laughing* you skxawng

(Tsireya) oh brother

(Aonung) *holding on tightly to neteyam*

(Neteyam) I told you to hold on

(Aonung) I'm afraid to open my eyes

(Neteyam) I'll go slow jest open your eyes you'll be fine the view is amazing

(Aonung) *opening eyes* my sister is right it is amazing

(Tsireya) it looks like my brother is enjoy the ride

(Rotxo) he looked terrified is it scary to ride an ikran?

(Jake) it's not that scary once you get used to it

(Neteyam) *circling around* would you like to do this at night for a date night?

(Aonung) I'd love to the sea is bright and beautiful at night with all of it's colorful creatures and the tulkun

(Neteyam) kiri or your sister could watch ateyo for us and we could do one

(Aonung) our parents would love to spend time with ateyo if our siblings are ever busy

(Neteyam) they can watch him any time buy let's get back down to him

(Aonung) I'm right behind you MaTeyam *kissing neteyams cheek* this was a great ride

(Neteyam) *landing Nayak* we have landed safely

(Aonung) *sliding off ikran onto ground* I'm not dead

(Lo'ak) with the yell you gave that was hilarious brother

(Aonung) hush it brother

(Neteyam) come to daddy my sweet boy *holding ateyo*

(Ateyo) *giggling*

(Aonung) was that his first giggle? *standing up*

(Neteyam) it was our happy boy

(Aonung) so sweet

(Lo'ak) your turn to ride rotxo

(Rotxo) I'll wait *hiding behind kiri*

(Neteyam) you did good Ma'nung

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