Chapter 17

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(Ronal) *bandaging lo'ak's shoulder* tuktirey *handing bandages to tuk*

(Tuk) is he ok?

(Ronal) he will heal

(Tsireya) *standing outside of hut with neteyam*

(Neytiri) *sitting on ground close to lo'ak*

(Jake) is she alright kiri?

(Kiri) *placing bandage over Loran's cut* she is dad she's jest scared

(Jake) I'm sorry your children were dragged into this boys

(Aonung) they are ok now sir that is what matters

(Ora) uncle *holding lo'ak's hand*

(Neteyam) he will be ok baby *running hand through ora's hair*

(Roa) dada

(Tonowari) Roa *hugging Roa* you are safe daughter

(Neytiri) lo'ak *laying hand on lo'ak's forehead*

(Ronal) it may take time for him to wake up but I assure you your son is safe

(Neytiri) thank you

(Rotxo) *hugging loran*

(Neytiri) thank you great mother

(Aonung) *holding Ateyo in arms* sister are you alright?

(Tsireya) I'm worried for my husband

(Neteyam) the bullet was stuck in his shoulder but we got lucky it was only his shoulder and not near his heart

(Jake) we panicked we almost lost you boy we worried now that we would've lost your brother too

(Lo'ak) *waking up* dad mom

(Neytiri) oh great mother

(Jake) lo'ak you made it

(Lo'ak) it hurts everything hurts

(Jake) you were shot on the shoulder luckily the bullet was safely removed

(Lo'ak) *looking up to loran* how is she?

(Kiri) scared but she's safe her wound will heal

(Loran) uncle *walking to lo'ak*

(Lo'ak) I'm right here loran

(Tsireya) *sitting beside lo'ak* your ok

(Lo'ak) nothing could stop me I'm sorry I scared you

(Tsireya) you don't need to apologize lo'ak

(Neteyam) I can't believe you jumped in front of me to block a bullet

(Lo'ak) I didn't want to risk losing my brother again we almost lost you once we couldn't lose you again

(Neteyam) quite the mighty warrior

(Lo'ak) I get it from all of you

(Tonowari) it's good to have you back boy

(Lo'ak) it's good to be back

(Ronal) take things easy you don't want to over work your shoulder and reopen your wound

(Lo'ak) I will take care of myself

(Tuk) *hugging lo'ak* were happy your ok

(Lo'ak) thank you for helping save me

(Jake) quaritch is gone now, he won't be back this family is safe our home is safe

(Aonung) that is great father

(Tonowari) we will take care of our people and get back to our normal days here now that our home is safe

(Aonung) let's celebrate we celebrate the war is over our people are safe and so are our family

(Neteyam) I agree with my husband we should

(Tonowari) then let us celebrate our win

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