Chapter 11

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(Quaritch) were back and blue boys

(Ardmore) ready for action against those sullys

(Quaritch) with one sully gone we only have jake sully the main traitor I'm after will get him even if it means ending his family

(Lyle) I had a good shot on their son now that their eldest is gone

(Quaritch) with my boys help I can track those sullys *checking device*

(Ardmore) do you think he would still have it after all it's been years since we've seen those sully's

(Quaritch) theirs no tracker in sight

(Lyle) they must've gotten rid of it after all these years it's been over eight years

(Quaritch) my boy is about twenty-eight now we've missed eight years of life before being reborn

(Ardmore) we remember the location theirs no doubt it never changed after all of these years

(Lyle) will need a ride

(Quaritch) there are ilu around will see if we can mate with one of those things


(Spider) *looking at device* somethings entered

(Jake) what do you mean?

(Spider) *showing device* heat signals of three people

(Jake) what do you think it could be boy?

(Spider) my guess may or may not be correct but I think it's Quaritch

(Jake) he died eight years ago how could it be?

(Kiri) na'vi come back they are reborn

(Jake) this isn't good if Quaritch is back he will come for this family again

(Spider) these signals are right but who knows maybe it isn't him it's only been around eight years since the death of him

(Neteyam) *walking to hut* dad what's going on?

(Jake) neteyam theirs something your husband needs to warn the people of

(Neteyam) Ma'aonung come here

(Aonung) *walking to hut* what is it my husband?

(Neteyam) dad needs the people to know something

(Aonung) what is it father?

(Jake) we have intruders coming *showing aonung device* theirs heat signals of someone

(Aonung) is it the demon?

(Kiri) we don't know but he could've been reborn every avatar is born twice

(Aonung) that man cannot be back we cannot have him here he almost took the life of my husband I don't want to risk losing anyone else

(Neteyam) we don't know if it's him

(Aonung) who else would it be?

(Neteyam) we don't know yet my husband

(Aonung) if he comes back he'll only be back for your family we almost lost you we can't lose you again or he'll threaten to come for the children our children they are too young for this

(Neteyam) I know and we will protect them we have soldiers and protectors our home is safe

(Tonowari) what is happening boy's?

(Neteyam) father there is something coming and we believe it's the demons

(Tonowari) the demon ship?

(Aonung) it's returned sir and now we need to protect our home

(Tonowari) our home will be protected, everyone will stay near no one will leave beyond the reef we must keep all of our people safe

(Aonung) we will warn the people and warn them what is coming

(Tonowari) that is good my son

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