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Sam's POV

I decided I was going to go to me and Colby's special spot. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I drove. How could she do this to me? After 30 minutes of driving and crying, I reached our spot. It was a closed off bridge. Only a few people knew about it. I got out and stepped onto the bridge to hear the familiar creaking of the wood. I haven't been here in awhile. I walked down the bridge until I reached the middle. Then I sat down, letting my feet dangle over the edge. I pulled out my phone to see that I had 11 texts and 20 missed calls from Aaron. I didn't bother to read the texts or call him back. Then, my phone started buzzing in my hands. Colby was calling. I wanted to pick up so bad, but something was stopping me. Something was telling me not to pick up the phone. I sat it down next to me and let it ring. He called me again 4 more times. I couldn't imagine how worried he was. I checked Colby's life 360. He was on his way here. I guess now it's a good time to decide. Gun or river. Gun. It would make it quick, painless, and easy. I got up and walked back to my car, grabbing the loaded pistol. I walked back to our spot but didn't sit down. I flicked the gun off safety and put it to my temple. I looked over at the nearby mountains. The sky was pink and the mountains were a gorgeous shade of purple. I've always enjoyed the sunrises here. It was an amazing view. I placed my finger on the trigger. A single tear fell down my cheek as I thought about all the fun times I've had with my friends. All the laughs, all the tears, and all the memories. I guess now was time to say goodbye. Right as I was about to pull the trigger, I heard a yell. "SAM." Colby yelled. I turned towards him, gun still to my head. He was standing at the end of the bridge with his hands up. Tears were pouring from his eyes. "PUT THE GUN DOWN." He choked out through his sobs. It hurt me to see him like this. But it also hurt me to see Katrina go behind my back like this. He started walking closer. "STAY BACK." I yelled. He flinched back and stopped. "Please Sam. Put it down." He said, practically begging me. My head starting spinning. My vision was blurring. I started stumbling. What was happening?

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