3. Second Chance

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August 5th, 2015
8:20 AM

Auradon City Medical, Auradon City, Auradon

   Carlos woke up in an unfamiliar room. Everything was white, gray, and light blue. It looked like a nicer version of one of the hospitals on the Isle of the Lost... he hated the Hospital. He started to panic, and his heart monitor started beeping like crazy, which made Carlos freak out even more. A person in scrubs came in, trying to calm him down.

   He yelped and tried to make a run for it. He didn't know that several IV needles were stuck in his wrist. He gasped in pain when he yanked on them. He almost fainted when he stepped on his foot. Someone else ran into the room and put Carlos into his bed. Pinning him down, they strapped him into the bed for his safety.

   "What's going on in here?" Carlos heard a stern voice and looked into the doorway. It was Prince Ben.

   "He was going insane," The guy who strapped him to the bed said with an unapproving look, "He could have hurt himself or someone else,"

    "Unrestrained him. He is just scared," Prince Ben said.


   "That wasn't a request. That was an order," Prince Ben said sternly. Carlos looked at him with his mouth agape, flinching as the Velcro sounded and the guy unstrapped him. The man left the room, muttering, "Nurse, please let us have a moment. I will explain everything to him,"

   "I-I am in Auradon?"

   "Yes, Carlos... you must be confused, and I understand that my father went about getting you guys in a way that I tried to disagree with,"

   "I saw a helicopter letting out gas and dust?"

    "Yes... that was so everyone on the Isle would fall asleep for a little so we could go in and gather you guys safely. We predicted that some of the villains wouldn't take kindly to the four of you leaving and try to intercept,"

   "Thank you. That makes sense. My mom would have done anything to take my place."

   Ben walked over to the side of the bed, "I will recline the bed so you can sit up... okay?" He asked, and Carlos looked at him, confused. He got a remote connection to the hospital bed, and by pushing a button, the bed started to recline. Carlos always wondered what that remote did. They didn't work on the Isle. Like everything else, the hospital had broken beds and equipment.

   "Who are the other VKs?" Carlos asked. He knew it was crazy, but he wanted Harry to be there. They had broken up, but Harry would be the only one from Auradon or the Isle who could comfort him about what happened last night.

   "Malice, Daughter of Maleficent. Jayar, Son of Jafar, Genevieve, Daughter of the Evil Queen, and you," Prince Ben said. Carlos was happy that all of his friends made it... it was weird hearing their full names, though.

   "Are they here too?"

   "No, they are at Auradon Welcome Center. You were the only one in bad condition when we got you... You were extremely dehydrated and malnourished. You're pretty bruised up, too. You sprang your ankle, but it looks like you were running on it, so it is now fractured, and we are waiting for a doctor to set it and put you in a cast."

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