5. Pressured

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(Trigger Warning: Mention of Rape)
One Hour Later
10:23 AM

Conference Hall, Auradon City, Auradon

   The press conference went perfectly, for Carlos at least. Ben stalled the presses as long as he could while discussing the VK Program and its future. Most reporters were more interested in Mal and Evie because their mothers were wicked sorcerers. Carlos could see right through Mal's apologies and tears for what her Mother put the kingdom, but the Press was eating it up.

   Carlos answered a few questions about the Isle, making excuses for why he was so banged up by saying he was clumsy. He kept looking at the clock. Ben said it would be over at 10:45... they were so close, and Carlos didn't have to answer any questions. That was about to change. Carlos didn't know what was coming for him.

   The reporters asking questions gathered their things and stepped off the podium for the next reporter to take their place. Evie tried not to be starstruck—it was Snow White herself. Her Mother had always told her how ugly she was, but she was stunning. Evie then gulped, relieved that Snow White was probably about to tear into her, but everyone was confused when she turned to Carlos.

   "Carlos De Vil... Is it? You are Cruella's Son, right?" She asked him, and he nodded, "Who is your father? Why don't you have his surname?"

   "Um... I don't know who my father is," Carlos said, taken aback by Snow White's harsh, questioning tone. She was supposed to be the fairest of them all. Right now, she sounded like she was an attorney or crime reporter. Did she do every interview like this?

   "But if anyone hasn't noticed yet, our parents were all vain enough to name us after themselves... so I would think if my mother did know who my father was, then I would still have her surname," Carlos explained, and it got a few laughs throughout the room. Snow White continued to be stone-cold. She wasn't happy about the VKs being here and would ensure everyone knew why.

   "What would you say to me if I said VKs couldn't be trusted and that they were liars?"

   "Don't you think that is a little out of line, Mrs. White?" Ben asked.

   "Can he answer my question?" She asked. The room was silent.

   "Everyone is entitled to their opinions... but many people, VKs or not, cannot trust and lie occasionally."

   "Do you ever lie?" She asks

   "Sure I do... can anyone say they don't lie even a little?" He said this wasn't going the way Snow wanted. Carlos was so charming.

   "Do you think the Isle Barrier should be taken down for good?"

   "Um..." Carlos tried to think before answering because this was a hot topic, so he repeated what he told Mal. "I think some people are better off left on the Isle,"

   "Does that include Harry Hook, the son of Captain Hook?" Snow asked, and Carlos widened his eyes.

   "If he passed his exam and deserved to be here... then yes,"

   "Did you know he was one of the lowest scores on the Isle?" She asked, "How could you date someone who scored that badly?"

   Carlos didn't know what to say. He would get in trouble if he admitted he gave Harry notes because that was against the rules. "I am not Harry's Keeper... we are broken up," Carlos said over some mutters in the room he couldn't understand. Some reporters started fixating their cameras on him, and others took flash pictures of him.

   "What is your source, Mrs. White... that is classified," Ben said, fisting his hand under the table so the cameras couldn't pick it up. The VKs were speechless, looking at the three people who were the center of focus.

   "I'm sorry to hear that... why did you break up?"

   "It made sense if one of us made it to the isle for us to see other people..." Carlos tried his best not to panic or lose control and yell at Snow.

   "What are some of your relationships on the Isle... Sources tell me that you were seen with The Big Bad Wolf the last night you were on the Isle," Snow asked.

   "That's enough questions," Jay interjected, and everyone was hyper-focused on this subject. Why was it so secretive?

   "I will ask one more time: who is your source?" Ben said sternly.

   "Were you sleeping with Mr. Wolf? Is that why Harry Hook broke up with you," Snow said.

   "I said that was enough," Jay snapped, and Evie put a hand on his shoulder for him to calm down. Mal looked at them, confused. Even she was afraid of the Big Bad Wolf.

   "Why else would Mr. Wolf let you live? He has never left one victim with their lives left," Snow pressed, "Did you have a deal with Mr. Wolf? Were you sleeping with him for protection on the Isle, and Harry Hook was your boy toy?" She sounded evil to Carlos... the room was silent and frozen in his perspective even though chaos threatened the room.

   "Ben, tell her to stop," Jay almost growled. Ben snapped for the guards to escort Snow White out of the room.

   "Why won't you answer the question? You are a liar! You are lying about your parents too! Cruella isn't your Mother!"

   "Snow White, that is enough! You are not allowed to ask questions from Classified Documents," Ben snapped, "Who is your source!" he demanded

   "His real parents are Mother Gothel and Dr. Facilier! Witch Blood runs in his veins! He will release the Big Bad Wolf and the other villains, and they will take over Auradon!" Snow shouted before the guards got to her. Carlos lost his cool.

   "Harry broke up with me after I lost my virginity to him the last night I was on the Isle, he left me alone, and the Big Bad Wolf and his pack raped me... he raped me!" Carlos cried, and everyone in the room was frozen, even the guards escorting Snow White out of the room. She looked at him with shock. She was so embarrassed. "All I know is that Cruella is my Mother. She is!" He looked at Ben, and he looked at him with sympathy.

   "Carlos... it is okay," Jay held his hand. Mal and Evie looked at him with frozen faces. They had no idea what happened to Carlos on the last day on the Isle.

   Carlos tried to put the microphone on the stand, but it slipped out of his hand and landed on the floor with ear-aching feedback in the speakers. He couldn't control his sobs from his sadness and embarrassment. His broken rib only made it worse. He tried to wheel away from the table, but his rib hurting made his strokes uneven, and he toppled his chair off the edge of the stage. He heard shouts and screams of concern as he blacked out.
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