8. Pre-Party

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AN: Hey, there are two more chapters before I run out of prewritten chapters. What does everyone want to see in this fic moving forward? It's been two years since I wrote a chapter for this, so I need some ideas. Enjoy the chapters!

August 29th, 2015
8:29 PM
   Carlos' rib had healed, and he ditched the cast and upgraded to a boot. His ankle was partially recovered. Evie was over at the boy's dorm room, braiding Jay's hair in Dutch braids. He wanted his hair out of his face for all the upside-down chugs he would do tonight. He wanted to show the AKs how it was done on the Isle.

   Carlos was almost positive that his blood test came back with false results... Poliosis is a rare disease. It isn't fatal; it only affects the melatonin in parts of your hair, and Cruella is the only person Carlos knows with it. His hair benefited from the new shampoo and minerals his body was taking in. he began to like his condition.

   Unfortunately, half of his hair was white like Cruella, but at least it was on the other side, so he wasn't a spitting image. The right side of his hair was white, his left eyebrow was completely white, and both sides of his eyelashes had identical splotches of white and black.

   Carlos was trying his best to maintain a healthy weight. ever since being in Auradon, getting nutritious food hasn't been that hard. He learned that he was blessed/cursed with a high metabolism. Everyone in Auradon was beautiful. He hadn't met one percent with a body fat percentage above 10%. It's good if you are trying to keep weight off of yourself, but not when you are trying to fit in with Princes and Princesses around you.

   Carlos wore a white baseball shirt with black lace sleeves and black leather shorts. It was the perfect mixture of masculine and feminine styles that Carlos liked. Carlos thought as he looked in the mirror that he liked what he saw. He was still underweight, had gained 25 pounds since being in Auradon, and didn't look emaciated like when he arrived.

   Evie, Mal, and Jay helped him decorate his boot with a crimson marker and glitter. He was stuck with it for another two weeks. He never knew what to do with his hair on the aisle, but he put several products Evie put in their bathroom and looked like another person. His hair had some height to it. There were tendrils of curls pointing in every direction. He messed it up and patted some of it to tame it before walking back into the bedroom.

   "Don't you look adorable?" Evie smiled while Carlos limped out of the bathroom. She was just getting done with Jay's hair. Evie wore a cerulean romper with white embroidered flowers. Jay wore school sweats. "Are you dressing up for Benny Boo?" Evie asked. Jay huffed disapprovingly, looking at his phone. Carlos rolled his eyes, annoyed with Jay. he gave Carlos many mixed signals.

   "He has a fiancé..."

   "Technically, she is his girlfriend until he proposes," She told him.

   "Well... no, I don't like him anyway,"

   "Yeah, right, you give him Bambi eyes every time he comes around," Evie said, mimicking Carlos' doe eyes. They were distracted when the door opened, and Mal came through.

   "What?" She demanded.

   "You look super slutty" Evie purred.

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