1. Proclamation

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January 30th, 2008
11:10 AM

King Beast Castle, Auradon City, Auradon

   Prince Ben was in the west wing of the Castle getting fitted for his 15th birthday party. He didn't know why he had to be dressed so formally. All of his friends would surely make fun of him. Sure, his friends had to dress up because it was a Royal Birthday party, but the Royal Tuxedo was itchy and looked like a cross between a pirate shirt and a pastry.

   "Son," King Adam walked into the room with a fond smile for his eldest son. He looked just as uncomfortable as he did when he turned 15. The high collar of his shirt made his cheeks all red and puffy. Ben inherited his Mother's sensitive skin.

   "Father... must I wear this? This outfit is worse than the commoner's t-shirt I had to wear for that benefit..."

   "I will have you know this is weaved from Gossamer Silk found in the enchanted forest, Sir," a little blue bird huffed at the Prince before 'accidentally' pecking the needle to nip Ben in the hip.

   "Hey! Ouch!"

   "Oops... sorry, sir," the Bird snickered.

   "I'm allergic to Gossamer..." Ben muttered, "I don't know why I have to wear this... all of my friends are going to say I look like a fairy,"

   "And what is wrong with fairies, Mister?" Fairy God Mother walked into the room

   "Not that kind of fairy..." Ben grumbled and witnessed a glance between Fairy Godmother and King Adam. Ben stood straight, trying to show them he was mature enough to be in on whatever that look was about. "Ouch!" Ben squeaked with the Bird pecking him again, "Azure, that hurt..."

   "You all can go on your breaks," King Adam chuckled at the tiny birds and rabbits helping with the Royal Tailor. They all chirped and squeaked happily, scampering off. The King cleared his throat before speaking, "Son, there is a royal tradition for when one of the Princes or Princesses turns 15, you get to declare one royal decree of your choice. You will have to work with it closely. This is your most important task since you will take my seat on the throne when I retire. It will show the Kingdom you are worthy of the ruling,"

   "It can be anything?"

   "Yes, Benjamin, but I need you to sit tight and think about your actions."

   "I have thought about it... I want the Villain Children from the Isle of the Lost to be given a chance," Ben said with his chin up high. Fairy God Mother dropped her wand in surprise. Ben didn't have to think because he had wanted this since he could see from his bedroom window. He had a clear view of the Isle. "May I explain?" He asked, gesturing for them to sit on a bench in the corner of the room.

August 4th, 2015
7:29 AM

De Vil Manor, Port Goblin, Isle of the Lost

   Carlos had made the most of their little time on the Island. He fixed every broken electronic device he could find. He was trying to finish his chores before his Mother woke up. The last thing he had to do was vacuum. It would have been a problem because his Mother didn't like to hear the noise while she slept. He created a silencer for the vacuum out of old clocks and headphones.

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