4. Mal's Power Imbalance

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August 7th, 2015
9:30 AM

Conference Hall, Auradon City, Auradon

   Carlos was just as nervous as the rest of the gang. They had never done a press conference or even been on TV. Evie kept trying to put makeup on everyone, but they kept swatting her away.

   "You'll be crying to me when everyone in Auradon sees your pores," She tisked, sitting back down.

   The press conference started in 30 minutes. Carlos was fidgeting around. He reached under his wheelchair and unfolded his crutches. he began to stand up, but Jay pushed him back into the chair.

   "What do you think you're doing?"

    "I don't want to be in a wheelchair... especially for all of Auradon to see how weak I am,"

   "Carlos, you aren't weak..." Jay told him.

   "Yes, he is..." Mal muttered

   "What was that?" Carlos asked, glaring at Mal. Jay and Evie looked at each other in shock. No one ever stood up to Mal, especially Carlos.

   "Carlos... all I am saying is just think about it," Mal told him, using an intimidation technique she learned from her mother: a staring contest.

   "I said no, Mal," Carlos said with the same danger and edge as Mal had, but it was scarier because he had stayed calm and cool.

   Carlos reacted very strongly to Mal because she wanted to ruin everything. He has this irrational need to prove herself to be as evil as her mother. When the VK program was announced, Maleficent sent the crew to fetch her scepter. Carlos accidentally created an invention that broke a temporary hole in the barrier that let Magic seep into the Isle.

   Maleficent made Mal study and be at the top of the VK program so that she could find a way to break the barrier for good. Mal didn't even want to be on Auradon. Yesterday, the girls visited the boys in their dorm, and Mal filled them in on their plans. Carlos shouted at her and told her to leave the dorm. He never wanted to see Cruella or Mr. Wolf and his Pack again.

   "Some people are better off left on the Isle," Carlos snapped at Mal before he slammed the door in her face. Jay still couldn't believe how upset Carlos had been last night.

   "Hey, Guys, what's going on?" Ben said, coming into the room; he distracted Mal when he came in, and she broke eye contact, "Are you guys ready? There are 30 more minutes until you guys go on,"

   "We are good, Prince Ben," Evie giggled and flirtatiously twirled her hair. Does my makeup look good for the camera?"

   "You look beautiful..." He smiled, then looked to Carlos and Jay, "Oh, um, I mean beautiful and handsome," he blushed and laughed nervously, pocketing his hands. He knit his eyebrows together and pointed to the crutches, "Carlos, you aren't supposed to use those for a couple of weeks while your rib heals,"

   "That's what I am trying to tell him," Jay smirked at Carlos, folding them and putting them back in the bottom of his wheelchair.

   "Carlos, may I have a word with you?" He asked, and Jay gave him a suspicious look, "Do you guys mind?" Ben asked politely, seeing everyone's curiosity.

   "What do you need?" Jay asked. Carlos blushed. Ever since the hospital, Jay has been protective of Carlos. He even almost fought with a rough nurse as they discharged him.

   "It is just some medical results."

   "It's okay, Jay," Carlos said, nodding to him and Ben. He followed Ben out of the room and into the hallway.

   "Have you been eating and drinking?" Ben asked, worried about his health. He looked a thousand times better than when he first got to Auradon. He would have to eat healthily and drink lots of water and fluids to gain weight. He was severely dehydrated and underweight. Carlos is 5 foot 2. A healthy weight for Carlos' size is 104 – 131 pounds. His weigh-in two days ago was 73 pounds.

   "Yes, thank you for getting me all those deliveries... my favorite was the Snow Crab from the Ocean Bistro," Carlos told him.

   "That's my favorite too," Ben chuckled, "Um... so, I have some heavy news... do you want me to tell you to know or after the conference,"

   "Is it life-threatening?" He asked, and Ben shook his head, "Tell me after the conference," Carlos decided.

   "Okay, then that's all I need to tell you. Then some of the Press will interview you all for at least an hour. Just meet me back in this room, and I will finish, okay?" He asked, and then they walked back into the room. 

   "Okay, everyone, whenever the Press Conference is over, you will be taken to the Auradon Tailors to be fitted for outfits for your Welcome Party tonight," Ben said. The only one excited about that was Evie. She had a few sketches of what she wanted to wear. Besides tonight, you guys will be free to do anything until classes start in two weeks.

   "Do we have to go to classes? I wanted to take a year off before college," Evie asked.

   "Yeah, School isn't my thing," Mal fist-bumped Evie.

   "Yes, you guys have to go to at least one Semester, but that is only three months." Ben chuckled, "Auradon Academy is the top college in all of Auradon, plus you guys have to take a few more classes that the Isle didn't have to get a diploma, but I worked it out with admission for you to take them with the rest of your course."

   "Lame," Jay yawned.

   "Hey, C'mon, College isn't all that bad," Ben said, stopping to think, "A buddy and I are throwing a party a couple of days before classes start. You guys should come."

   "A Party? Do Auradon Kids know how to throw down?" Mal said, intrigued.

   "We sure do... keep it down low it. There will be alcohol there," Ben said, fingering his lips.

   "Hmm, We might be underestimating the Princes and Princesses of Auradon," Jay smirked, dreaming of all the girls he could get within one night. His record was four.
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