10. The More the Merrier

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AN: Sorry for the wait, i am not sure when the next one will be up! This is the last pre-written chapter I have! Please continue to be patient, and thank you so much for your support

12:03 AM
   Ben and Carlos hadn't seen much of each other since the kiss. Evie had to go to Mal and tell her everything. Ben got caught up with hosting his party. Around midnight, many of the guests were in the woods hooking up or had left. Carlos had spotted Ben looking up at the sky, sipping on a glass of wine. He snuck away from Mal and Evie to walk over to him. he tapped Ben on the shoulder, startling him.

   "Hey... you never showed me around,"

   "Oh yeah, I forgot," Ben chuckled, setting down his glass and showing Carlos into the house.

   Ben mostly showed Carlos around the first floor, but he didn't trust them to make it safely up the stairs. Carlos was interested in the theatre and the aquarium room. He asked where Ben's bedroom was without trying to be too forward. The Main Bedroom was on the fourth floor, but Ben had a second bedroom on the first floor if he didn't feel like walking up the stairs.

   The room had nautical themes. The bed frame was made of whitewashed wood, and the sheets were blue, matching the color of the walls. He had bookcases lining the wall and another fish tank on the side of the room. It was a 20-gallon tank full of frilly fish and turtles.

   "Oh no..." Carlos said sadly. At the same time, Ben had placed his hand on his lower back. He just froze. Ben's eyes followed Carlos's, and he saw one of his frilly fish dead at the bottom of the tank.

   "Don't worry about him... he was the oldest one. I will grab him later..." Ben said, a little sad. he loved all his pets. He watched Carlos stand on his tippy toes and reach into the tank to grab the dead fish. He went to show him to the bathroom so they could flush. 

   Ben watched Carlos close his other hand over the one holding the limp fish, bringing his fist to his mouth, closing his eyes, and whispering something. Carlos yelped and tossed the fish back into the tank when he felt it flop in his hand. The little red guy was dashing around the tank and fluttering like he was young again.

   "Oh, look, I guess he was just sleeping? Do fish sleep?"

   "What just happened?" Ben asked, and Carlos looked at him, confused, "What did you say into your hands?"

   "Oh... I prayed to him so he could swim to a better place. I have done it since I was little... little birds and fish would wash up on shore."

   "You just brought my fish back to life, Carlos," Ben said, amazed.

   "What? No... I don't even know if that could happen," Carlos said, freaked out. He looked down at his hands and the spritely fish, scared. "W-Was it magic? I don't want to upset Fairy Godmother. She will send me back to the Isle..."

   "No-No, you aren't in trouble. I was just impressed, that's all..."

   "Oh..." the room fell silent. Carlos looked down at his feet. "So, um... did Audrey respond-"

   "Don't talk about her... I don't want to think about her," Ben told him. he pressed his thumb against Carlos' chin to look up into his eyes. "Half of me agreed to do that so I could piss off Audrey... the other half wanted to feel how soft your lips were," Ben confessed.

   "I... Since I met you, I have wanted to do that," Carlos confessed.

   "I am a little confused... I thought you and Jay were together?"

   "It's complicated... you know what, it's not... he is straight... Mmh, let's not talk about him..." Carlos said, licking his lips, hoping Ben would catch his drift. Ben understood and quickly kissed Carlos like he had been craving it... because he had been craving it since the first one ended. They both lost their balance and tumbled back onto Ben's bed. "What is this?" Carlos yelped when he bounced.

   "A waterbed?" Ben said, confused about why Carlos had pulled away from the kiss, and he continued to kiss Carlos. When he pressed Ben's chest, he pulled away, "Shit... I'm sorry, am I going too fast?" Ben asked. Carlos shook his head. With Ben on top of him, he felt like he was being pinned down. He didn't like that feeling. Carlos nudged Ben to roll over and straddled his lap. he rested his hands on Ben's chest.

   "If we do this, I want to be in charge," Carlos said breathlessly. He was so nervous that Ben made his tummy flutter.

   "Oh... okay, I um... I haven't exactly," Ben rambled, nervous. Forgive me for the phrasing... do you want me to be the girl or the guy?"

   "I want you to be the guy," Carlos chuckled, telling him to top, "I just want to call the shots..."

   "Got it?" Ben bit his lip, waiting for Carlos to kiss him again. Before their lips met again, the Bedroom door opened.

   "Carlos, are you okay?" Jay asked.

   "Y-Yes," Carlos' eyes widened as he gulped. Ben blushed, trying not to look at Jay.

   "Okay..." Jay said, blushing with the rest of them, then he started to shut the door. "Fuck it..." Jay rushed into the room, closing the door behind him. he kneeled on the bed and kissed Carlos. Carlos kissed him back but pulled away to apologize to Ben. The Prince surprised the two of them by not saying a word and instead fisting his hand around the collar of Jay's soggy shirt to pull him into a kiss. Jay didn't like Ben, but that didn't mean this didn't turn him on.

   Jay overpowered Carlos, knocking him off Ben's lap and crawling on him to kiss him. Carlos pushed on his chest.

   "He wants to be in charge..." Ben explained.

   "Oh... sorry, buddy," Jay said, crawling off of him, "I don't bottom..." Jay said.

   "I don't top..." Carlos told him he was not expecting this... or expecting that the two of them would be okay with doing this. Carlos ran a hand through his hair, thinking, "You guys just lay down on the bed," Carlos told them. He smiled to himself, thinking that he would finally be in charge.

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