6. Prince Piss-Pants

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AI Imaged Made Using Bing AI, I will make AI images for each chapter now. I will be doing a bit of rebranding and casting this fic. Please bare with me:) Enjoy

(Trigger Warning: Mention of Rape)
2 Hours Later

Auradon City Medical, Auradon City, Auradon

   Carlos woke up in the hospital. He looked over into the corner and saw Ben with his eyes closed. He didn't freak out this time.

   "Ben?" Carlos asked, and he shot up in his seat, then kneeled beside the bed and held one of Carlos' hands in both hands.

   "Carlos... I am so sorry. I had no idea it would go that way," Ben pleaded, his eyes welling up with tears.

   "It's okay..."

   "No, it is not okay. None of it is okay," Ben said on the eve of a panic attack. I'm going to send Royal Guards to the Isle and find all of the Big Bad Wolf's pack and put them in solitary confinement. I had no idea just how bad life was on the Isle.

   I vow to protect you and all of the Isle of the Lost... okay? You will have to tell me everything that happened, and if anything else like this has happened to you or anyone on the Isle, I can prevent this from ever happening again," Ben said, barely keeping it together. Carlos places his hands over Ben's, now trying to get him to calm down.

   "Okay... Ben, calm down," Carlos said softly, and Ben nodded, closing his eyes and counting to ten, "Tell me why I am in the hospital," He asked. He surprised even himself with how calm he was.

   "You rolled off the stage... we brought you here to ensure you didn't break any other bones. Thankfully, you didn't... and your bones heal faster than normal."

   "Why is that?"

   "I should have told you before the conference... Mother Gothel and Dr. Facilier are your real birth parents. Cruella must have illegally adopted you and faked her pregnancy."

   "So... I do have Magic running through my veins? Is that why I am healing faster than normal?"

   "Yes, it is. Fairy God Mother is going to transfer you to Alchemy and Sorcery 101 while VKs take it. She is also putting you in an extra credit class called Witchcraft and Magical Talents,"

   "Isn't Witchcraft frowned upon?"

   "Magic is, but you have to learn how to use it. Voodoo is a magic that is banned due to its darkness, though... Fairy Godmother will talk to you about that, too. She is a bit wordy," He warned, and Carlos nodded. Ben sighed and looked at his hands, still in Carlos's hand; Carlos began to pull away and blush, but Ben placed his hands around him. "We were able to cut off the broadcast before everything went chaotic... but a lot of the reporters were live-streaming the entire Press Conference... it is trending on social media,"

   "So, there are pictures of me having a panic attack?"

   "Yeah... I'm sorry," Ben told him. He didn't know how to comfort him or make him feel better. "When I was eleven, the paparazzi took pictures when I peed my pants..." Ben offered. The room was silent for a second. Then it was filled with Carlos laughing. "They called me Prince Piss-Pants for years..." He said, and Carlos held his ribs, laughing so hard it was silent.

   "Quit it. It hurts,"

   "Oh, Shit... I am so sorry," Ben said, worried.

   "It's okay. I needed a laugh... can I see?"

   "See what?"

   "See the... Social Media?"

   "Oh, Carlos... I don't know about that,"

   "Please... I need to see it," Carlos said, and Ben couldn't resist his doe eyes.

   He pulled out his phone and pulled up Tweeter. Carlos didn't know what he saw mostly, but there were hashtags on the phone's left side, and they all involved him. #JusticeForCarlos, #CarlosDeVil, #SnowWhiteIsCanceled, #IsleOfTheLost, #WhoIsTheSilmiestOfThemAll, #PoorCarlos, #MeToo, #VKPressConference, #SnowWhite, #CarlosGothel-Facilier.

   Carlos clicked on #VKPressConference. It was a mistake. The top post had the worst picture of him sobbing, and his eyes started to well up with tears. It started because he was embarrassed, but the positive Tweets made him cry as he scrolled down.

   "H-How did Snow White know everything?" Carlos covered his face. He was being hit with so many emotions at once.

   "She has some contacts at the lab we sent your DNA to... we don't know how she contacted the Isle. It was a little too quick for the letters to be exchanged." Ben told him he felt so bad. Carlos hugged Ben and cried on his shoulder. Ben hugged him and let him cry until they heard someone clear their throat.

   "It's my turn..." Jay said, standing in the doorway. Ben smiled at him, glad that Carlos had someone that cared so much about him. It was hell trying to get Jay to wait in the waiting room and let Ben have a turn watching over Carlos while he woke up. He had only been in the room for fifteen minutes. Carlos wiped his tears away with his forearm as Ben stood up.

   "You should be discharged soon... you two relax tonight. I have to make some calls to reschedule the Welcome Party,"

   "Don't..." Carlos said, and the two guys looked confused, "Don't cancel the party. I am sure a lot of work has been put into it... it is only a couple of hours long. Let us get it over with."

   "Are you sure?" They asked at the same time.'
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