9. Kegs and Drunken Kisses

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If anyone reads any of my other descendant's fics, I am not abandoning them; they are just on a hiatus.
August 29th, 2015
9:09 PM
   Mal thought it would be lame if there were security at the party, but that was quickly answered when Bailey drove the van away when everyone got out of the car. They followed a path, and as they walked further, the music grew louder. This place was beautiful.

   It was Ben's Lake Cabin... well, the cabin was more of an understatement. Most people other than royalty would call it a woodland mansion. Nothing with 40 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms can be called a cabin.

   The cabin was made of Sapphire Trees; the bark is a sapphire color, and the wood is more teal. They grow in caves and are rarely found on mining excursions. His parents had it built for him when he turned 18.

   "Carlos!" Ben exclaimed when he looked at the VKs walking to the house. About 100 other party guests were the quaintest parted they had been to since being on Auradon. "Jay! Mal! Evie!" Ben said, running to them. They were still far away, so the guys started teasing Carlos.

   "Did you notice how he just corrected himself?" Evie nudged Carlos.

   "Yeah, looks like Benny Boo returns your feelings," Mal teased. Carlos faked a hurt expression, "Oh nut up, your rib is healed," Mal chuckled, and Jay high-fived her.

   "He does that to me when he wants me to fetch him food," Jay snickered.

   "Hey guys, I wish you texted me that you were on your way so I could have led you here," Ben told them.

   "We have a good sense of direction," Mal smugly looked at him.

   "Of course, you guys do," he said, clapping his hands together. Well, there are coolers everywhere, a wine bar in the first-floor kitchen, and a mixed drink bar by the dock on the lake." Ben pointed out the dock.

   The enchanted lake was beautiful at night, illuminating light blue. Princes and princesses were swimming in the lake. Some were frolicking under the waterfall, and others were on floats. "There are some extra bathing suits in the cabin if you want to swim. If you don't, you can dance in the backyard. There is also a game room on the third floor," Ben explained.

   "I don't need a suit," Jay smirked, stripping down his briefs, tossing his clothes to Carlos, and running off to swim in the lake. He was the only one who knew how to swim.

   "Um... I think I will go dance," Evie said, avoiding explaining how she didn't know how to swim.

   "I will grab a glass of wine... terrorize some princesses," Mal muttered, mad at Evie for quickly ditching her.

   Carlos lined his lips together, annoyed with them. It was probably a plan with Mal and Evie to leave him alone. "Hey..." Carlos said awkwardly, "This place is really pretty..."

   "Thank You," Ben said, chuckling nervously, "I wanted you to come out and see it. You have to swim in the lake. The water will help you heal quicker... it also makes your skin soft,"

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