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"shh tae don't cry...we can come here whenever we want to remember dad isn't going to sell this house"Jimin spoke wiping tears from tae's chubby cheeks which were wet from the continuous tears...

'i...this house have our memories ' tae signed Jimin who nodded his head as he pulled tae in his arms hugging him close...

"Don't worry we will make new memories there... remember mom said never cry over leaving your memories...make sure the people are near you with whom you make memories... Because with them you can make new and more good memories "Jimin spoke softly caressing tae's back...

"Good now stop crying and let's leave yeah...my heart says life in Seoul will be 10 times more good than how it was here"Jimin spoke with a positive smile...tae sighed while wiping his tears ...

Both walked down where their father was waiting for them..."ready son's"he asked hugging them from side...

Both nodded and walked out of their old house leaving their old memories to build new ones...


Night time in Seoul...

Kook was sitting on his bed room's lights off so from outside it looks like he is sleeping...his face was glowing Because of laptop light...as he was watching something on the laptop....

He had a smile on his face...but he flinched badly when his room's door was burst open by his mother who looked at him with narrow eyes...

He immediately shut the lid of laptop gulping visibly...his mother marched towards him...

"I knew it you see something unholy ... don't you..."Katy spoke looking at kook like he was a deer caught in headlight...

"Mo-m...what are you saying...."kook shuttered hugging his laptop close to himself making his mother more suspicious...

"Is it...than give me your laptop"Katy spoke forwarding her hand...but kook shook his head gripping on the laptop...

"I said give it to me you bunny"she spoke snatching the laptop from him...he shut his eyes tightly when he saw his mother opening the lid...

"Oh. My. God...you...you were watching this"Katy spoke gasping her palm on her mouth Because she was shocked...

"Kook speak..you were watching this..."Katy asked looking at kook who scratched his nape with embrassed blush on his cheeks...

"You were watching a Barbie movie...Barbie 12 dancing Princess...do you watch this everyday"she asked to kook who shook his head...

"No ...I watch other Barbie movies,iron man movies,spiderman and many more"kook spoke with a pout on his face...

"Oh...but than why you didn't told me this"Katy spoke pulling kook's ears who hissed in pain...

"Mom first leave my ears it hurts"kook spoke trying to remove his mother's hand...

"Tell me first...you aren't trying to fool me right"Katy spoke...

"Should I scream from our terrace that I watch barbies in night...leave...ouch"kook spoke scarcasticly making Katy to twist his ear more...

"Ok fine...I didn't told you I watch this Because I am a mafia...and this doesn't sutie me..."kook spoke rubbing his red ears which was now free form his mother's hold...

"That's good ...make sense too...but make sure don't watch something unholy or see how I will hang upside down "Katy threatened her who just nodded...she left from there and kook also closed his laptop going to sleep ....not in mood to see the remaining movie...

MAFIA'S MUTE SWEET HEART (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now