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Kook had not felt this nervous when he cheated in his exam  and the same day his mother got a call from his school the way he was feeling right now as he saw tae going in deep thoughts....

"Angel...what are you thinking"kook asked in a low voice...

'do you have a gun' tae asked looking at kook who sighed in relief...

"Of course I have a gun"kook spoke with a proud grin...

'than show me' tae spoke forwarding his hand...kook was hesitant but can he ever say no to tae...no he can never so he pulled out the gun from his back pocket and placed it in tae's hand...

Tae saw the gun closely and pointed it in front of the tree aiming it...kook thought tae is just seeing it but his eyes went wide when tae pressed the trigger and the bullet went from kook's front glass and hit the trunk of the tree...

Tae's eyes went wide as he shot the bullet where he aimed...while kook's heart was in his throat seeing the bullet traveling from the glass window to the tree...

"Oh my angel...what are you doing"kook spoke taking the gun from tae's hand...

' wanted to try if it's real or not' tae signed with a childish smile while kook took deep breath to lessen his heart beat...

"You...you literally fired the gun"kook spoke turning to start the car...but turned to look at tae with confused face...

"But how your aim was so perfect"kook asked to tae who just shrugged his shoulders...

"You will be death of mine"kook muttured as he started the engine and drove them to tae's showroom....


A month later...

Everything was going just smooth like butter...after tae got to know about kook being a mafia he told everyone about this in their house...as Jin and Jimin already knew this they wasn't shocked nor.they were even surprised....

While tae's father Jin's parents and Lisa along with her family were more than shocked knowing the whipped mafia who follows tae like a puppy everytime is originally a mafia boss...no just a normal mafia boss but the mafia king too...

After knowing kook is a mafia tae started to search about mafia's...he started to read article and more things to know what actually mafia world is...so in need he can help kook...

Today was a fine morning in all the houses... except the Kim mansion...woo bin was angry while his sons were no less...the son and father had in a qurel...

Why? Because they have somedays off from their work and wanted to go to their villages that is Busan...where their ancestors used to live...yes all of their ancestors were Koreans...but as they became modern they thought to develop and move from the place and ended up in different part of country or world...Katy kook's mom her ancestors were Koreans too it's just her father went to America and she was born there and that's why her nationality is American which made kook half Korean and half American...

While Jimin and tae's parents left to Spain after their marriage and the brothers were born there and that's why they are half spainish and half Korean....

Back to the story...so the thing is Jin,Jimin,tae and Lisa planned to go to the village Because they wanted to know about their ancestors more...but as woo bin knew none of the four know.more about Korea he wasn't allowing tae and Jimin to go there...

Blame him for being a strict father but from the day he lost his wife he has became more serious when it comes to his son's safety Because they are his only family...he have friends but that doesn't mean he can let his sons get hurt....and so he has declined them to go...

MAFIA'S MUTE SWEET HEART (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now