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Two days later....

It's been two days since they all came to their village....they had been roaming around, having lots of traditional food that kook's grandma cooks.

Everyone was enjoying their vacation, along with the elders who were loving the company of the youngsters. It was currently early morning granny was instructing the maids to cook one of the famous breakfast dishes of India as they are basically Indian..

(100 years ago their ancestors came to Korea and settled in this village and then they went to the city and than to other countries)....

"Morning granny"kook greeted ye-ji walking inside freshly dressed.

"Morning... what's morning it's good morning"ye-ji spoke making kook nod...

"Yes good morning...where are others"kook asked peeking on the counter to see what was in the breakfast.

"Namjoon and hobi are in the gym with your grandpa and yoongi still sleeping" ye-ji spoke in between glancing at maid checking if they were doing everything perfectly or not...

"Hmmm...and where are tae,Jimin,Jin hyung and Lisa"kook asked making ye-ji raise her eyebrow....

"Didn't you went to greet tae before me"she asked to which kook shook his head but than nodded when ye-ji looked at him with narrow eyes....

"I went but none of them are in their room...I check for sweet heart in both the rooms"kook muttured with a pout...

"I didn't saw them from morning too...where they can go"ye-ji spoke now getting worried....

"Don't be worried I will check other rooms and the whole house too"kook spoke first walking to his and yoongi's room to wake him ....he even called hobi and namjoon and asked them to find the four who had been no where....

After few minutes....

"Where they all disappeared?"namjoon spoke with tensed face...

"Fuck... sweet heart is not even picking his calls"kook spoke as he tried to tae several times...

"Jimin isn't picking too"yoongi spoke once again trying to call Jimin...

"Let me track them"yoongi spoke as he went to his room to get his laptop.

"Don't worry boys they must be around the villa"do Kyung spoke to lessen their worries...

"No grandpa...they won't go like that"kook spoke again dialing tae's number...

"Maybe they can... remember no one can stop them what if they went out"hobi spoke and everyone thought he has a point...

"Ok than we should go and check them outside"kook declared...

"They had left their phones at home I tracked and the location is their rooms...I guess they had went for a walk or something"yoongi spoke walking down staris...

"They won't take so much time if it was just a walk... let's go and find them..."kook spoke worriedly...

"Clam down kook why are you getting so tensed"ye-ji spoke as she saw her grandson so worried for the first time...

"Granny I promised uncle woo bin I won't let anything happen to angel...and I can't see a single scare on him ..I am going whoever wants to wait here can stay"kook spoke running out and other three followed him.


Tae,Jin, Jimin and Lisa were roaming in the river side that was around 2-3 kms away from the villa...

They just wanted to have a walk and they didn't even noticed they went so far.

"Hyung we should go...they all must be worried"Jimin spoke looking around...

MAFIA'S MUTE SWEET HEART (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now