Translation Game: Romulan / Rihannsu

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Recendt Bang

htta'nvmniahrei BrianMullin0

Gargul, ehdhihss teenage space space station mniohr mniohr treill'e'mn, looked mibh aeek'h'i ehwiyhwe'lmniuhfi'hwhueiurrr'at'd hveiyaeihdh aellei scratched ihmn holy butt fæmn. Dyynlenh, considering ta'hwswai ikjrhes ssuy a a little khiilalev nebulous hræfva eeaee far oaeeueaeaith irha edges. Tho trillion planets, ehri orbiting a rancid-looking giant star mnakhao ouahh. some nta'fviy reason votha billion nah'lai hwoimne'liu rhaau adhueost'd colloq. Draed'et hvaedroalh some nta'fviy reason votha teilhkh. Errefvaudridt' nah'lai iebhe hwia'd hlleistau, aigrev khiil evolve, ehwiyhwe'lmniuhfi'hwhueiurrr'at o't sk a akhiy hole's turd.

concealed truth lyrr-t'ddreen ikjrhes, ehwiyhwe'lmniuhfi'hwhueiurrr'at hadn't even hwoimne'liu lokhos been trying. Ahht thoughts given, ahht planning. Heck, Snood adhueost'd spent eons innaehv ihmn, aellei B'larbarra adhueost'd taken even hwoimne'liu lokhos u'ti deciding innaehv duhaen duhaen a'e eij schemes. Ehwiyhwe'lmniuhfi'hwhueiurrr'at'd duhaen duhaen felt ihmn medical moht'soh distend aellei presto!

A recendt Bang.

some nta'fviy reason votha creations are nim fragrant flowers. Aellei some nta'fviy reason votha universes ojmhiev doakhi.

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