Midnight Daze- Ejax

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this is honestly a combo of several requests, so i hope that you enjoy this train wreck!


"C'mon, let's go!" Ajax whispered, grabbing Enid's hand as he led her to the small pool and jacuzzi. She grinned widely, taking in the smooth, cool water that had small lights flickering around the pool, the night sky that was hanging above them, and the little mugs of hot chocolate that sat on one of the tables. She slid off her shoes, feeling the cool stone beneath her feet and the gentle breeze whip around her, blowing her hair gently as she turned back to Ajax, who was taking off his shirt and setting it on the chair.

He looked so handsome in the moonlight, his tanned skin and smooth muscles gently shining, the way he moved was so delicate, so graceful, so fluid. She admired him for that. He looked up, and she quickly turned to face the water, blushing as she looked off into the night sky. It was beautiful, but she couldn't find room in her mind to take it all in, because he was clouding her thoughts.

She suddenly felt his arms wrap around her waist, and he lifted her up as she let out a squeal.

"Ajax! You aren't gonna throw me in are you!?" Enid asked frantically, who nervously giggled as she looked at the boy. He smiled softly at her before walking to the shallow side of the pool, slowly wading into the water, and she gasped as the cold water hit her back. She arched her body into his, and he grinned as he slowly began letting her down, but she kept a firm grasp around his neck. He gave her a look, and her eyes were slightly widened.

"I don't know how to swim well, only a little," she confessed, looking down as he lifted her chin. He looked into her eyes, and the tension began to build between the two, and he cleared his throat as he chuckled lightly.

"I can teach you?" He offered, and she nodded quickly as she stepped further into the water, shivering slightly before he grabbed her waist, and began showing her the movements. He carefully avoided dipping his head under the water and made sure his beanie was secure before he sunk into the water. He first swam to the other side and back before helping her do the same, but she panicked and began flailing around. He watched in amusement, holding the girl above the water as she continued to flap her arms, before he pulled her upwards, setting her on her feet as she bashfully looked away.

Her body shone in the moonlight, carefully caressing each of her curves, igniting her features and her big blue eyes as she looked back at him. He let his eyes trail her body, the seemingly translucent swimsuit she had on made his cheeks warm, and his stomach flutter. He shook his head before meeting her eyes, blushing harder before stammering out a reply.

"E-enid, it's ok," he chuckled, and she gave him a look.

"It isn't ok, this is scary!" She whined, and he shook his head.

"Look, I won't let you go, I promise. I'll be at your side every step of the way," he said calmly, and she nodded slowly as he helped her through the motions once again, and slowly but surely, she got a grip on the action. He let go of her, and she swam for a little before sinking into the water, and he quickly dove under to grab her.

He pulled her slightly limp body up, and she began to choke as he led her out of the water, beginning to panic before her choking turned into laughing, and he glared at her as she bent over.

"I didn't mean to scare you, but the look on your face was so funny!" She said, trying to conceal the giggle that was building in her throat. He quickly lifted her into his arms, carrying the laughing girl over to the two chairs before sitting down, her on his lap as he handed her a warm mug. It was no longer hot, as they had been swimming for quite a while, but it was enough that it still soothed their cold bodies. 

He grabbed one of the towels, wrapping it around her as she looked back at him, catching his eyes as she bit her lip and looked away, causing Ajax's heart to skip a beat. She looked so beautiful, and her being there with him tonight was amazing to him. He slowly traced his finger up her back, causing her to shiver as she turned and planted her lips on his, and he quickly returned the kiss. He was definitely caught by surprise, he hadn't expected that response from her. She pulled away, a grin resting on her face as she set down her mug.

"Can I have your hot chocolate?" She asked quietly.

"Only if I get to admire you up close," he said, and to this, she smiled softly.


Hey guys!

Damn, haven't updated in a pregnant minute....my bad!

I hope you enjoyed, my first EJAX ONE in this one shot! I hope to have more, they are an amazing combo if you ask me! If you want to see anything specific, and it doesn't have to be romantically related (though why else would we be here if not for romance??), so lemme hear what y'all have! Much love, and don't forget to drink some water today!MWUAH! <33

P.S. It's short ik, I apologize. I hope to get longer ones in soon!

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